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Childcare Articles

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Unstructured play materials refer to those play materials whose uses are not predetermined by educators. Also known as of heuristic play materials, the scope for play with unstructured materials is thus unlimited, allowing children to develop agency, skills and imagination.…
Children need safe and positive environments to learn and grow. To ensure this, services and educators need to ensure effective supervision at all times. The following article provides information on the different aspects of supervision, ranging from regulatory requirements and…
At its simplest, child-initiated learning is one that is chosen and started by the child. This type of learning is the purest form of child-centred learning and constitutes one of the most important approaches in the educator’s toolkit of teaching…
Spontaneous play is exactly what it says – play that happens naturally, without any prior planning or being directed by anyone outside the play. In the early childhood context, spontaneous play is usually child-initiated and directed though it can include…
The aim of Quality Area 1 is to ensure that the educational programs and practices of educators are child-centred, stimulating and maximise opportunities for enhancing and extending each child’s learning and development. In the school-age care context, the aim of…
Effective communication can be understood as communication between two or more persons wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood. Since so much of the work in an early childhood education and care setting consists of listening, understanding…
Emotional or physical distress can add to the challenges of caring for children in a service setting. Toddlers' brains are not yet developed to rationalize situations and regulate the emotions they feel. The following article provides strategies you can use…
Mixed-age groups refer to settings that bring together children aged three to five years old. Since children at different points in this age range may have different skills and abilities, working with mixed age groups may require service providers and…
The EYLF explains literacy as the children’s “capacity, confidence and disposition to use language in all its forms”. Thus literary includes not only talking, listening, viewing, reading and writing but a range of modes of communication including music, movement, dance,…
A waiver enables a service that is non-compliant with the National Regulations or an element of the National Quality Standard to be taken to be compliant, or not required to comply, during the period that the waiver is in force.
In practice, it has been found that educational resources like story books, often fall short of representing such gender equity. In respect to this, a study titled ’Gender Equity in Early Childhood Picture Books: A Cross-Cultural Study Of Frequently Read…
When working as a Cert 3 Qualified Educator, your pay rate is from the Children's Services Award 2010. This Award states your minimum rate of pay based on the completion of your Cert 3 Qualification. The following will provide information…
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