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According to the Children’s Services Award 2010, all employees fall under a classification structure, this determines their minimum wage. Each “level” gives a definition of what is expected of the employee, the qualifications required and the duties the employee should…
Holistic learning gives as much importance to the emotional, social and physical growth of the child as the intellectual. Among the many benefits of holistic learning is that it enhances a child's subjective sense of well-being or simply put, makes…
To support preschool children transition to school, it is recommended that preschool educators complete a transition to school statement which is sent to the child's school. The Transition to School Statement gives a snapshot of a child’s strengths, perspectives, and…
Sustainability in early childhood education is an important part of the curriculum and should be incorporated into each and every service setting. Creating natural environments and proving natural materials in one way for sustainability to occur. This article will provide…
The Health and safety of children are among the prime concerns of early childhood services when planning the learning environment. The safest way to combat such issues is to opt for organic formulations which replace harmful chemicals with nature-based ones.…
Play provides opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine. Creative play in children immerse themselves in their imaginary worlds they become whatever they want to be. Also known as role play, and pretend play, the…
Outdoor spaces hold great significance in early education and care settings which is why they are highlighted in Learning Environments, one of eight pedagogical practices put forward in the EYLF. It further says that Outdoor learning is a feature of…
The early years are a time of dizzying changes which affect not just the physical growth of the child but also their emotions, communication, sense of self and relationships with the surrounding world. Research has found music, especially through attributes…
Among all the changes that impact a child’s early life, one of the most significant is the move from early education and care setting to a full-time school. The change not only involves entirely new people and places but longer…
Both the Principles and Practices of EYLF place great significance on the nature of child-educator interactions. The following article provides information on What Are Positive Interactions, Developing Positive Interactions, Strategies and more.
Play is a process that is freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated. In this sense, children’s play happens when children determine and control the content and intent of their play, following their own instincts, ideas and interests, in their…
The approved provider of an early childhood service, you have the primary legal responsibilities for the safety, care and education, under the National Regulations, of children enrolled. Hence, approvals are required from both the Australian Government as well as state…
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