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In practice, it has been found that educational resources like story books, often fall short of representing such gender equity. In respect to this, a study titled ’Gender Equity in Early Childhood Picture Books: A Cross-Cultural Study Of Frequently Read…
When working as a Cert 3 Qualified Educator, your pay rate is from the Children's Services Award 2010. This Award states your minimum rate of pay based on the completion of your Cert 3 Qualification. The following will provide information…
The Early Years Learning Framework outlines Intentional Teaching as one of the major practice guidelines to promote children’s learning. Intentional teaching involves actively planning and acting with specific goals or outcomes for children’s learning in mind. The following provides information…
Play comes naturally and effortlessly to young children. It is self-driven, active and intrinsically enjoyable. Along with helping children pass through appropriate developmental stages and negotiate their way through the immediate environment, the play also enables the externalization of feelings…
Inquiry-based learning is an experiential educational approach in which learners are encouraged to explore, question and arrive at their own conclusions. Asking questions is an important aspect of an inquiry-based approach but toddlers and very young children may not have…
It is the duty of adult caregivers to ensure that young children are exposed to only age-appropriate media content. However, it may not always be possible to keep news about tragic events like natural disasters or accidents, happening both near…
Research indicates children have better chances of achieving positive developmental and life outcomes when their families are constructively involved in their learning across settings – ranging from home and early years services to schools. Here are a few strategies for…
Among the most contentious issues in early childhood, settings are biting, though it is widely acknowledged by early educators and behavioural experts to be a common feature of the toddler years. Here are some guidelines to help you and your…
Respect for Diversity is one of the main principles that underpin the Belonging, Becoming and Being: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Thus it is mandatory for services and educators to use practice that incorporates diverse cultures, especially in monocultural…
EYLF curriculum, Belonging, Being, Becoming recognises the significance of artistic exploration in the early years. According to Element 5.3 “Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts” Educators can bring about this outcome when they…
Painting is one of the most vibrant ways that young children can experience the wonder of Art. Exploring the world of colours, textures, lines and forms can not only help children express their creativity and emotions but facilitate physical, cognitive…
Playing or even just spending time outdoors has long been recognized as crucial to positive learning and life outcomes in children. Outdoor spaces thus hold great significance in early education and care learning settings and have been addressed in Quality…
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