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Childcare Articles

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Art-based learning is used in most approaches to early childhood education across the world. It is widely accepted that art not just helps the child to develop creative and fine motor skills but also nurtures cognitive skills like planning and…
Floorbook is a documentation approach that uses a large book with blank pages for children to record different aspects of their learning in small groups or as a whole group. The following article provides information on the Features Of A…
With Winter just around the corner, it's important to take precautions to stay healthy during the cold season. It's easy for some of us to fall sick with viral infections especially when it's so easy to catch amongst the children…
Saying sorry is among the earliest lessons in interpersonal behaviour that children learn when growing. There are indeed many benefits of an apology but adults forget that almost always they depend on both sides genuine feeling the emotions rather than…
The capacity to work on a task with sustained attention is an extremely important developmental milestone for children. It not only helps them to learn better in school but is directly related to positive life outcomes in adulthood through higher…
Routines and rituals are an integral aspect of growing up. They not only teach young children the skills needed to function in the adult world but impart a measure of control over their immediate environment. The following article provides strategies…
The Early Years Learning Framework recognizes the inextricable links that belonging, being and becoming have with learning. As part of this recognition, the framework elaborates learning outcomes, principles and practices for educators that will help them meet their professional goals…
The National Law and the National Regulations illustrate the legal responsibilities of the approved provider, nominated super and Educators. The following article provides a reference point for Chapter 4 - Operational Requirements including a summary of each Regulation. This chapter …
Feel Good Feb is dedicated to saying thanks, expressing gratitude, and promoting good deeds and random acts of kindness.
One of the best ways to encourage children to grow a garden to develop a range of skills is to create an edible garden. An edible garden is a garden that contains flowers, herbs, seeds, berries and plants that can…
When Parents are sending food from home, it's important that they understand they need to bring snacks and pack a lunch that is healthy and nutritious for their child. For some parents, who may be busy, it may be challenging…
Writing a personal philosophy is a great way for others to read what your values and beliefs are in regard to early childhood education. The following article provides information on how to write a personal philosophy including details of what…
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