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Childcare Articles

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Interactions with children and families lie at the heart of ECEC practices. Early educators as a result may find themselves frequently facing ethical issues which are all too common in professions revolving around human relationships with their spectrum of rights,…
There may be times when despite giving your best, your service might have to face complaints. However, instead of getting demotivated, it is possible to use complaints as opportunities for critical reflection. The following article provides information on Complaints Management,…
As an Early Childhood Educator, it enables you to acknowledge and embrace conversations around disability and inclusion with children. The following article provides strategies to discuss inclusion and disability with children.
For services in the process of developing or reviewing their service philosophy, the following article provides information on the Importance Of A Service Philosophy, Links To The NQS, a Sample Of A Service Philosophy, Reviewing The Service Philosophy and more.
Policy and Procedures are an integral part of the documentation that is required to meet legislative requirements. They prevent uncertainty about how particular situations are handled and support Educators to understand their roles and responsibilities. The following article provides information…
Inviting families to give their input on the care and education of their children is not only an NQS requirement – Quality Area 6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities – but makes sheer practical sense. The more they feel…
Motivating well-qualified staff to remain at your service is not only important to cut down training costs but also to provide the best outcomes for children. The following article provides strategies on how to retain staff within your early childhood…
Transitions are among the most significant factors that determine the well-being of young children. Their sense of ease, ability to learn and the nature of attachments are vastly impacted by how they experience transitions in the ECEC setting. The following…
“Agency” this word is very familiar to the parents and in early childhood care. Agency in childhood indicates the organisation is able to have decisions that will affect and influences the child and also the child has the right to…
Mentoring is a hugely beneficial way for early childhood services to build the professional capacities of new educators as well as leadership capacities for their own organization. However, the success of a mentoring programme depends to a large extent on…
Among the important guiding principles of the National Quality Framework is ‘Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are valued. The following article provides information on recognising and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures through early childhood services through…
As the words indicate, Open-ended questions have no right or wrong answers and thus cannot be answered with a simple, ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Open-ended questions figure in several of the pedagogical practices outlined in the EYLF, like ‘being responsive to…
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