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Childcare Articles

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Sometimes you know that it’s time to move on from your current centre. You may have found another centre to work with, your circumstances may have changed or you found another position. The following article provides information on the Notice…
Staff appraisals are key to maintaining high standards in early childhood services. The following article provides information on What Is A Staff Appraisal, Components Of Staff Appraisal includes Key Performance Indicators, Preparing For Meetings, Mid Year Review and more.
The “Preschool Room” is final step for you, as a childcare professional, to prepare your group of children and their families for school and making the transition process from a childcare setting to the school setting an easier one.
The NQS mandates services to take an active role in caring for the environment and contributing to a sustainable future. According to NQS Standard 3, Element 3.2.3, “The service cares for the environment and supports children to become environmentally responsible.”…
Food waste is an unpalatable truth in many early childhood services. . It is not just a waste of resources but actively contributes to climate change. The following article provides information on Planning It Right, Creating A Positive Environment, Using…
A key objective of the National Quality Framework is to promote continuous improvement in the provision of quality education and care services. Every service is required to be assessed and rated for quality by regulatory bodies and self-assessment is one…
Among all the changes that impact a child’s early life, one of the most significant is the move from early education and care setting to a full-time school. The following article provides Educators with a guide on planning supportive transition…
Within early childhood settings and as part of the daily routine, group time has become a teaching strategy in order to gather children together to have discussions, read stories, sing songs etc. The following article provides information on What Is…
The National Quality Standard includes seven quality areas, in each quality area includes standards. These standards are high-level outcome statements. Under each standard are elements that describe the outcomes that contribute to the standard being achieved within the service. The…
At its simplest, communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or more people. Visual communication involves the exchange of information using pictures, imagery, symbols and signs. The following article provides strategies for using visual communication with…
Empathy can be understood as the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. The trait is considered one of the most important life skills that children can learn since it not only nurtures interpersonal relationships, thereby making for…
Learning about similarities and differences in people can be thought of as two sides of the same coin – that of appreciating what makes people different while respecting their fundamental humanity. The following article provides strategies on how to teach…
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