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Childcare Programming

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When educators teach intentionally, they are deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful in their decisions and action. Intentionality can be used to create learning environments, plan learning interactions and also document children’s learning. The following article provides information on Intentional Environments, Intentional…
When writing a report on a child, it's an opportunity for the Educator to capture the child's learning and for parents to receive an account of their child's engagements within an early childhood setting. The following article provides information on…
Learning trajectories in early childhood refer to the developmental pathways that children typically follow as they acquire new skills and knowledge. The following article provides information on What Are Learning Trajectories In Early Childhood, Learning Trajectory Domains, How To Use…
EYLF Learning Outcome 1 - Children Have A Strong Sense Of Identity focuses on children developing a strong sense of identity. The following article provides Key Learning Goals associated with this outcome.
Writing a learning story is a wonderful way to document and celebrate children’s development and achievements. The following article provides information on a Step By Step Guide To Writing A Learning Story
Creating an Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) curriculum plan involves several key steps to ensure it aligns with the framework’s principles and supports children’s learning and development. The following article provides a step by step guide on writing the EYLF…
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) planning cycle is a structured process that helps educators plan, document, respond to, and support children’s learning. The following article provides information and examples of each of the 5 stages of the EYLF planning…
Possum Skin Pedagogy is an educational framework designed for early childhood practitioners to embed Aboriginal perspectives into their teaching. The following article provides information on the seven narratives that explore Aboriginal culture and aspects of implementing possum skin pedagogy.
Anecdotes are the most commonly used tool in gathering information about children.
Children are more likely to be confident and involved learners when their family and community experiences and understandings are recognised and included in the early childhood setting. The following article provides activities to promote each of the sub-outcomes of EYLF…
A strong sense of well-being provides children with confidence and optimism which maximises their learning potential. It encourages the development of children’s innate exploratory drive, a sense of agency and a desire to interact with others. Well-being includes good physical…
When children move into early childhood settings they broaden their experiences as participants in different relationships and communities. When educators create environments in which children experience mutually enjoyable, caring and respectful relationships with people and the environment, children respond accordingly. …
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