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Confrontation refers to coming “face to face” with another person and to bring up something that the other person probably does not want to hear. That’s what makes confrontation challenging.
Immunisation of Educators within the early learning centre is an effective way to protect not only themselves but also the children within the service who may be vulnerable to vaccine preventable diseases.
As an FDC Educator, you educate and care for children in your own home. Essentially you are running your own FDC service. You are solely responsible for the children in your care.
Green cleaning refers to using environmentally friendly ingredients and procedures while cleaning, which are healthier and safer for us and the environment.
An employment contract is an agreement between you and your employer. It might set out your pay, duties, how many hours you’ll work. It sets out the terms and conditions of your employment.
For those working as a casual in early childhood services, there have been updates and changes to your entitlements that you need to be aware of.
The Educator To Child Ratio Calculator calculates the minimum number of educators and ECT requirements, in a centre-based service must have based on a given number of children at any point in time and the age mix.
During the day when the children are actively engaged in their learning experiences, there may be times when you need to gain their attention to convey what's happening next.
Cultural competency is about having awareness, respect and understanding of the diversity around you. Cultural competence is “respecting multiple ways of knowing, seeing and living, celebrate the benefits of diversity and have an ability to understand and honour differences".
The approvals assessment process helps ensure all applicants, prior to approval, understand their responsibilities under Laws and Regulations.
Embed Aboriginal Practices throughout the year with this yearly calendar created by Aboriginal Education Association Inc.
Plants form the basis of many science experiments. Children can learn so much from observing the growth of plants and flowers. It's important when selecting plants for your early childhood service that they are safe and non toxic for children.
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