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Childcare Programming

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The Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission provide a framework for making organisations safer for children. They have been accepted by the NSW government. Based on extensive research and consultation, the Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to…
Event sampling is a useful observation technique for observing behaviours. It can be used to identify the child's response of certain behaviours, triggers and interactions.
The My Time Our Place Framework provides broad direction for school age care educators in settings to facilitate children’s play, leisure and learning.
Collecting work samples from each child is an effective documentation strategy that educators can save for portfolios. These samples can relate to the child's development or link to curriculum objectives.
Photo Observations are a perfect visual tool to capture a child's learning during an experience and provides an insight into the child's skills and development.
Running records are written in present tense and recorded as the action is happening. It gives a minute-by-minute description of what goes on in a setting with a specific child or group of children.
Jottings are a quick and easy way to record significant events and behaviours. They provide a picture of a child's interest or their development.
The Kindness Curriculum presents activities designed to build the attributes of empathy, gratitude, perspective, honesty, self-compassion, self-acceptance, humility, collaboration, mindfulness, meditation, trust, affiliation and humour for all Australian children and students.
The following lists the sub outcomes, examples of evidence when children can achieve each sub outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 5 - Children Are Effective Communicators.
The following lists the sub outcomes, examples of evidence when children can achieve each sub outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 4 - Children Are Confident And Involved Learners.
The following lists the sub outcomes, examples of evidence when children can achieve each sub outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 3: Children Have A Strong Sense Of Wellbeing.
Within the Early Years Learning Framework, there are three basic concepts that children’s lives are characterized by. They are Belonging, Being and Becoming.
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