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Childcare Programming

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Developed in northern Italy after the Second World War, the Reggio Emilia is a child-centred approach to early childhood education. It puts a child’s sense of self-worth and agency at the heart of its pedagogical ideas and its practices are…
Child portfolios are a form of pedagogical documentation that includes learning samples like artwork, writings, educator observations, individual and group learning stories and photographs - a visual aid of children's learning and development. The following article provides information on the…
In an early childhood setting pedagogical documentation refers to the practice of collecting and displaying evidence of the different ways children think and learn over a specific period of time. The following article provides strategies for collecting pedagogical documentation for…
When educators teach intentionally, they are deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful in their decisions and action. Intentionality can be used to create learning environments, plan learning interactions and also document children’s learning. The following article provides information on Intentional Environments, Intentional…
In the early education context, assessment for learning is best practised as a “process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand”, according to the EYLF. The approved learning framework is categorical that…
Experts on early childhood education have for some time believed that much more than the content of learning – like numeracy, literacy and science concepts – it is the acquiring of learning dispositions that ensure the best academic outcomes in…
The EYLF explains assessment for children’s learning as the process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand. It is a key part of an ongoing cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating…
While reflecting it forces us to analyse different aspects of experiences we offer to make judgements in what should be repeated, extended or changed. This enables us to develop and extend on children’s learning and build upon their knowledge and…
Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting.
A reflection allows us to analyze our experiences, make changes based on our mistakes, keep doing what is successful, and build upon our knowledge.
Based on the Montessori approach, Practical Life activities are everyday life experiences that a child may observe adults complete in their daily routine. These activities give the child a sense of belonging as they gain knowledge to accomplish life skills…
Quality Area 2 – Children's Health and Safety requires all stakeholders to have responsibility for supporting the health, protection, safety and wellbeing of all children. In exercising their responsibilities, they must take reasonable care to protect children from foreseeable risk…
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