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Childcare Programming

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Quality Area 7 - Governance and Leadership enables services to achieve the best outcomes for children and their families by creating a service with skilled and engaged workforce, sound administrative and risk management systems, well documented policies and procedures, and…
Quality Area 6 – Collaborative Partnerships With Families and Communities enables services to build respectful relationships. This provides children with the opportunity to develop a positive sense of self and experience respectful relationships. . Collaborative partnerships are achieved when the…
Quality Area 5 - Relationships With Children provides a sense of connection to support children and development of their identity and social and emotional competence. Exploring and learning to socialise appropriately with others, and to manage feelings, behaviours and responsibilities…
Quality Area 4 - Staffing Arrangements requires services to have sufficient educators and staff members available at all times when children are present. Educators are likely to be responsive, purposeful and reflective when staffing arrangements at the service enable them…
Quality Area 3 – Physical environment is to ensure it is safe and designed to provide a range of experiences to engage children in a variety of experiences to protect children's development and learning.
As an Educator, it's important to assess and document children's learning. This refers to gathering and analysing information about what children know, can do and understand. It is part of a cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating children’s learning.
Developed in northern Italy after the Second World War, the Reggio Emilia is a child-centred approach to early childhood education. It puts a child’s sense of self-worth and agency at the heart of its pedagogical ideas and its practices are…
Child portfolios are a form of pedagogical documentation that includes learning samples like artwork, writings, educator observations, individual and group learning stories and photographs - a visual aid of children's learning and development. The following article provides information on the…
In an early childhood setting pedagogical documentation refers to the practice of collecting and displaying evidence of the different ways children think and learn over a specific period of time. The following article provides strategies for collecting pedagogical documentation for…
In the early education context, assessment for learning is best practised as a “process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand”, according to the EYLF. The approved learning framework is categorical that…
Experts on early childhood education have for some time believed that much more than the content of learning – like numeracy, literacy and science concepts – it is the acquiring of learning dispositions that ensure the best academic outcomes in…
The EYLF explains assessment for children’s learning as the process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand. It is a key part of an ongoing cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating…
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