MYTH: You have to attend work meetings after hours for free. FACT: You should be paid. MYTH: You need to pay for training. FACT: You are paid for those hours. Your employer must pay you for all hours you work and any compulsory time spent for work, including meetings and training.
As an employee, you should be compensated for any mandatory work-related activities, including meetings held after regular working hours. Your employer must also pay you in money for all work you perform. They can’t pay you with goods such as food or dinner at the meeting. This is also known as ‘payment in kind’ and is illegal.
You, as an employee, are entitled to pay and conditions under the Fair Work Act.
If you need to complete training to make sure you have the right skills and knowledge to perform your job, including on-the-job training, online or formal training courses, or team training, you have to be paid for those hours. Time spent in training is time worked.
Further Reading
Sick Notice And Medical Certificates
Breaks, Leave, Overtime and Wage-Related Matters
Annual Leave Entitlements For Educators
Unpaid Work: Fair Work Ombudsman