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Learning styles, according to Howard Gardner, are the ways in which an individual approaches a range of tasks. The following provides information on Gardner's learning styles.
Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget theorized in the pre-operational stage between two and seven years, children start using objects or actions to give meanings other than literal ones like using a pasta strainer as a hat. This is symbolic play and…
Listening skills not only create the foundations for literacy and numeracy learning but set the stage for a wide range of interpersonal and self-regulation skills. The following article provides strategies on ways of promoting listening skills in early childhood learning…
In an early childhood setting pedagogical documentation refers to the practice of collecting and displaying evidence of the different ways children think and learn over a specific period of time. The following article provides strategies for collecting pedagogical documentation for…
As babies engage with their caregivers and interact with their environment, their physical, cognitive, communication and social abilities develop exponentially. At the same time, they need adults to engage with them with attuned interactions and secure relationships. The following article…
In the early education context, assessment for learning is best practised as a “process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand”, according to the EYLF. The approved learning framework is categorical that…
Experts on early childhood education have for some time believed that much more than the content of learning – like numeracy, literacy and science concepts – it is the acquiring of learning dispositions that ensure the best academic outcomes in…
The EYLF explains assessment for children’s learning as the process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand. It is a key part of an ongoing cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating…
To celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime 2023, the following are free printable resources on Sloths - the main character of this year's chosen story "The Speedy Sloth".
While reflecting it forces us to analyse different aspects of experiences we offer to make judgements in what should be repeated, extended or changed. This enables us to develop and extend on children’s learning and build upon their knowledge and…
The 20th of May is World Bee Day. It is to draw attention to the essential role bees and other pollinators play in keeping people and the planet healthy. The following provides free Printables that will enable you to celebrate…
Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting.
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