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20 Sea Animals Action Songs For Toddlers and Preschoolers

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20 Sea Animals Action Songs For Toddlers and Preschoolers

The following article provides a list of 20 sea animal action songs for toddlers and preschoolers. 

I'm a Little Fishy 

(To the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")

I’m a little fishy, swimming in the sea, Here is my tail, and here is my fin-y (wiggle your tail and show your fin). When I want to have fun with my friends and me, I’ll wiggle my fins and swim with glee (wiggle your whole body and pretend to swim).

The Crab Walk

(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Crabby, crabby, in the sand (open and close your hands like claws), Walking sideways, isn’t it grand (walk sideways with arms as claws). With my pincers, snip, snip, snip (use fingers to snip), I can do the crab walk quick, quick, quick (move sideways faster).

The Dolphin Song

(To the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Swim, swim, swim along (make swimming motions with your arms), With your dolphin friends, Leap, leap, leap so high (jump up and down), Splashing in the waves again (pretend to splash water with hands).

Sea Turtle Song

(To the tune of "London Bridge is Falling Down")

Sea turtles, they swim around (make swimming motions), Swim around, swim around, Sea turtles, they swim around, Through the ocean blue (wave arms side to side).

Swimming slow with gentle grace (swim slowly and gracefully), Gentle grace, gentle grace, Swimming slow with gentle grace, All the day long (slowly wave arms).

Whale Dance

(To the tune of "Wheels on the Bus")

The whale in the sea goes swish, swish, swish (sway body side to side), Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, The whale in the sea goes swish, swish, swish, All day long (continue swaying).

The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim (pretend to swim), Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim, All day long (continue swimming).

The crab in the sea goes click, click, click (open and close hands like crab claws), Click, click, click, click, click, click, The crab in the sea goes click, click, click, All day long (continue clicking).

The turtle in the sea goes glide, glide, glide (move arms slowly like a turtle), Glide, glide, glide, glide, glide, glide, The turtle in the sea goes glide, glide, glide, All day long (continue gliding).

Actions to add:

  • Whale: Sway your body side to side.

  • Fish: Pretend to swim by moving your arms.

  • Crab: Open and close your hands like crab claws.

  • Turtle: Move your arms slowly like a turtle.

Under the Sea

(To the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Swim, swim, swim around, In the ocean blue (pretend to swim), See the fish and the dolphins too, Waving back at you (wave hand).

Dive, dive, dive down deep, To the ocean floor (pretend to dive), See the crab and the octopus, And so much more (spread arms wide).

Turtle in the Sea

(To the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb")

Turtle in the sea so wide (make a wide circle with arms), Swimming with the ocean tide (move arms like swimming), Turtle in the sea so wide, Loves to swim and glide (glide hands in the air).

See the jellyfish float by (wiggle fingers like jellyfish), Beneath the sunny sky, See the jellyfish float by, Beneath the sunny sky.

Five Little Crabs

(To the tune of "Five Little Ducks")

Five little crabs went out to play (show five fingers), On a bright and sunny day, They scuttled to the left (move to the left), They scuttled to the right (move to the right), And they danced around in the sand all night (spin around).

One little crab went too far (show one finger), And got lost beneath a star (point up), Four little crabs came back to play (show four fingers), And danced around the sand all day (spin around).

Big Blue Whale

(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Big blue whale, swimming fast, Splashing water, having a blast, With a spout, up it goes, Blowing water like a hose, Big blue whale, swimming fast, Splashing water, having a blast.

Fishes in the Sea

(To the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus")

The fishes in the sea go swish, swish, swish (move hands like a fish), Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, The fishes in the sea go swish, swish, swish, All through the sea (pretend to swim).

The crabs in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch (open and close hands like crab claws), Pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, The crabs in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch, All through the sea (continue pinching).

The octopus in the sea goes wiggle, wiggle, wiggle (wiggle your arms), Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, The octopus in the sea goes wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, All through the sea (continue wiggling).

The dolphins in the sea go leap, leap, leap (jump up and down), Leap, leap, leap, leap, leap, leap, The dolphins in the sea go leap, leap, leap, All through the sea (continue leaping).

Octopus's Garden

(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Octopus in the garden green (wiggle arms like tentacles), Swirling arms can be seen, Watch it move with such grace, In the ocean's special place (move arms gracefully).

See the fishes swimming by, Beneath the water and the sky, Octopus in the garden green, Swirling arms can be seen.

Turtle Time

(To the tune of "Frère Jacques")

Turtle swimming, turtle swimming (move arms in a swimming motion), In the sea, in the sea, See its shell and flippers, see its shell and flippers (make a circle with hands for shell, flap hands for flippers), Swim with me, swim with me.

Turtle diving, turtle diving (dive down with hands), In the sea, in the sea, Look at all the fishes, look at all the fishes (point around like spotting fish), Swim with me, swim with me.

Squid's Adventure

(To the tune of "The Ants Go Marching")

The squid goes swimming one by one, hurrah, hurrah (move hands together as if swimming), The squid goes swimming two by two, hurrah, hurrah, The squid goes swimming three by three, The ocean waves it loves to see, And they all go swimming deep down to the sea,

Swim, swim, swim (pretend to swim).

Little Fishy

(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Little fishy in the sea (make fish motions with hands), Swimming wild and swimming free, Swim above and swim below (move hands up and down), With the currents they do go (move hands in wavy motion).

Little fishy, full of cheer (smile and nod head), Swimming far and swimming near (move hands close and far), Little fishy in the sea, Swimming wild and swimming free.

Octopus Arms

(To the tune of "If You’re Happy and You Know It")

If you’re an octopus and you know it, wave your arms (wave arms), If you’re an octopus and you know it, wave your arms, If you’re an octopus and you know it, Then your arms will surely show it (wave arms), If you’re an octopus and you know it, wave your arms.

If you’re a jellyfish and you know it, float around (float hands), If you’re a jellyfish and you know it, float around, If you’re a jellyfish and you know it, Then your floating will surely show it (float hands), If you’re a jellyfish and you know it, float around.

If you’re a seahorse and you know it, swim and sway (sway side to side), If you’re a seahorse and you know it, swim and sway, If you’re a seahorse and you know it, Then your swaying will surely show it (sway side to side), If you’re a seahorse and you know it, swim and sway.

Turtle in the Sea

(To the tune of "Are You Sleeping?")

Turtle swimming, turtle swimming, In the sea, in the sea, Look at him a-gliding, look at him a-gliding, So gracefully, so gracefully (move arms like swimming).

Turtle diving, turtle diving, In the sea, in the sea, Look at him a-diving, look at him a-diving, So merrily, so merrily (pretend to dive).

The Crabs Go Marching 

(To the tune of "The Ants Go Marching")

The crabs go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah (march in place), The crabs go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah, The crabs go marching three by three, The little ones stop to climb a tree, And they all go marching down to the sea, To get out of the rain (make rain motion),

Boom, boom, boom (stomp feet).

Sea Turtle's Day

(To the tune of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider")

The sea turtle swims up to the sun (swim hands upwards), Waving hello to everyone (wave hands), The waves crash down and wash her all around (move hands in wavy motion), But the sea turtle swims without a sound (pretend to swim).

Squid's Silly Dance

(To the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes")

Head, arms, tentacles, and ink (touch head, arms, wiggle fingers, and point down), Tentacles and ink (wiggle fingers and point down), Head, arms, tentacles, and ink (touch head, arms, wiggle fingers, and point down), Squid's silly dance in the sea (wiggle body).

Dolphin Play

(To the tune of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm")

Old MacDonald had a sea, ee-i-ee-i-oh (wave hands in a wavy motion), And in that sea he had a dolphin, ee-i-ee-i-oh (jump up and down like a dolphin), With a leap-leap here, and a leap-leap there (jump up and down), Here a leap, there a leap, everywhere a leap-leap (continue jumping), Old MacDonald had a sea, ee-i-ee-i-oh (wave hands in a wavy motion).

Further Reading 

Sea Themed Activities For Toddlers and Preschoolers
World Ocean Day Activities For Children

Created On March 4, 2025 Last modified on Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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