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A very simple song for children to learn the names of their friends and to feel a sense of belonging within the group.
This nonsense song is a great way for children to begin to learn rhyming with their own names.
Orange ice blocks are refreshing for summer and are easy to make with children.
Children will enjoy matching the correct number to the key, to unlock it. Also develops fine motor skills.
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, Saying ayo, come on let's go! I wanna celebrate and graduate, Saying ayo, come on let's go! Cause we gonna rock this school, We will do it right, we will graduate,…
A fun game for children to "shale hands" under the parachute.
Duh Duh Duh DuhDuh Duh Duh DuhDuh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh We learned our A, B, C's And counting 1,2,3's And now we know all these. The Kindergarten Class We learned how to…
A parachute game that requires children to co-operate and work together.
This fun preschool graduation song is a parody of Nsync's Bye Bye Bye. It's a fun song for preschoolers to end the year with.
Easy to make fingerpaints using ingredients around the house.
Here is a graduation song for Preschoolers, which is a parody of Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off". Get your Preschoolers moving and singing at their Graduation!
Creating colourful prints by soaking crepe paper with water.
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