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Tiny Tim The Turtle uses Australian Sign Language to "sing" this rhyme. This rhyme includes lyrics, a picture song board, key signs and a video of how to use Auslan sign to sing Tiny Tim The Turtle.
Straw threading will improve a child’s hand-eye coordination and improve their focus and concentration and develop their vocabulary.
A simple activity that strengthens children's finger muscles as they peel tape off animals.
This colander activity is simple it’s an engaging activity and children get engrossed in it. This improves their fine motor skills and the children learn to use their action fingers in an efficient manner. Thus it also contributes to their…
An easy and fun way for babies and toddlers to practice their fine motor and hand/eye coordination skills by grabbing and pulling items through a kitchen whisk.
Using nail polish, this science experiment will enable you to create rainbow patterns on paper.
Create this delicate rainbow crystal garden.
This simple pizza song is a great way for preschoolers to learn subtraction as they buy a pizza and run away.
This pizza song is a fun and easy song for children to sing. Children are also introduced to ordinal numbers in each verse.
This silly song is quite easy and interesting. Children can repeat the lines of the song and also follow learn to follow directions by following the dance moves. Children will develop their cognitive skills, gross motor skills and creativity. The…
This action song for toddlers and preschoolers sings about the process of making a pizza, ordering a pizza, dropping a pizza and making a mess!
Wash Your Face In Orange Juice, originally known as Mr Clicketty Cane is a silly and fun song for children to sing! It's a favourite amongst children as they repeat silly and humorous verses during the song.
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