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 This simple game enables children to "pass the rhythm" by copying the rhythmic actions of the child next to them.
This is a simple and funny action song about sea creatures moving through the water before GULP is eaten by something a little bigger...before a humongous whale comes and BURP! This is great for children learning about different types of…
This is a fun chocolate slime to play with and it's stretchy and fluffy.
With only 3 simple ingredients, create this chocolate-scented cloud dough.
Chocolate Playdough is a great sensory tool to use and can be used in so many different experiences with children. Children can make pretend cupcakes, and make a birthday cake, for hot chocolate on a cold day. Adding chocolate playdough…
Collect and gather natural materials from the local environment and use them to create and decorate this bracelet.
This Australian song with actions, it's about a man who loves and is proud of his home, the country he lives in and the relaxed lifestyle of Australia. It also has a set of mime actions accompanying the chorus
Children will learn to "track" the footprints of different Australian animals.
This name chant enables children to sing their name high and sing their name low. This song is also great for transitions.
This is a simple and fun activity for children to track Australian animals.
This is a classic song where children try to find out "who stole the cookie" by naming each of their friends in the circle. This is a great way to learn friends' names.
This circle game is the one that involves a Baby Bear and a thief who steals his honey as he is asleep. Now our cute little Baby Bear is on a mission to find the thief as he is very…
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