This free webinar organised by EduTribe is on Critical Reflection For Early Childhood Educators. Topics covered include the difference between critical reflection and reflective practice, documenting critical reflection, how often should you be reflecting and more.
On 30th May, Play Australia will be conducting a free webinar for Educators on risky play. Educators will have the opportunity to see examples of risky play in action outdoors and how this is shared with families and reflected upon within the educating team.
On Monday 23 May, join the Department Of Education. for a free webinar, to gain insight into the regulatory perspective on the reason we do assessment and rating, including a spotlight on self-assessment.
The free webinar provides a range of offerings to support the understanding and embedding of trauma-responsive practices across early childhood services including recognise and responding supportively to signs of trauma in children, use of best-practice approaches to how children, families and the community can recover from trauma, development of tools to differentiate between the developmental milestones of children impacted by trauma and the different indicators of trauma to identify the developmental areas in need of support and more.
On Wednesday 25 May 2022 join ARACY for a webinar with guest speakers William Tilmouth and Jane Vadiveloo from the Children’s Ground to discuss their work in bringing Indigenous languages and practices to the forefront in their Early Childhood Care and Education programs.
A free recorded webinar on Positive Behaviour Support is available for Educators to watch. Regional Coordinators for Inclusion Support at One Tree Community Services answered questions about Positive Behaviour Support.
On 26th May 2022 at 12 PM, join Dr Mary Anne Hall as she provides practical strategies for Directors, Group Leaders, NDIS providers and supervisors, who are required to promote employee wellbeing, and children and family engagement.
The Literacy Hub has planned for an exciting new line-up of webinars that will be running from May until November 2022. These eight-part series are for Foundation to Year 2 teachers will explore 'The Big 6' components of reading development, with the series culminating in an exploration of the science of writing.
Woolworths Fresh Food Discovery Tour Program is back! This program is aimed to teach children what is good to eat and where it is coming from. Children will explore where fresh food comes from with activities, how fruit and vegetables are grown as well as learn about the farm to table journey and much more!
Join Dr Mary Anne Hall from EPEC Education on the 17th March, for this free Webinar where she discusses all the components of the Certificate III in Early Childhood.
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