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Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting. It’s about reflecting not only about what happened but why. It also guides…
When writing a report on a child, it's an opportunity for the Educator to capture the child's learning and for parents to receive an account of their child's engagements within an early childhood setting. The following article provides information on…
When completing either a half-yearly or yearly reports, its main purpose is to inform parents of their child's progress and achievements thus far. Your comments should be constructive, insightful and original.
Few things can hold a baby in rapt attention or wring out a squeal of pleasure from a toddler as a palette of colours, paints and brushes. Art with its many sensory experiences has been found to aid brain development…
According to EYLF, scaffolding comprises of the educators’ decisions and actions that build on children’s existing knowledge and skills to enhance their learning. In early childhood education, this is one of the most useful learning approaches since it offers guidance…
Sometimes you know that it’s time to move on from your current centre. You may have found another centre to work with, your circumstances may have changed or you found another position. The following article provides information on the Notice…
Staff appraisals are key to maintaining high standards in early childhood services. The following article provides information on What Is A Staff Appraisal, Components Of Staff Appraisal includes Key Performance Indicators, Preparing For Meetings, Mid Year Review and more.
Rubin’s and his associate’s studies have done much to clarify the developmental levels of children’s play in light of our knowledge about children.
In early childhood, among the most important aspects of learning self-regulation is the ability to identify and label emotions. Unless children are able to understand and manage their emotions, they might end up expressing them through negative and disruptive behaviours.…
Pre-writing skills are the techniques that will make a child ready for writing. It is just like you have to walk first before you run likewise pre-writing skills will help children develop fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination which…
The “Preschool Room” is final step for you, as a childcare professional, to prepare your group of children and their families for school and making the transition process from a childcare setting to the school setting an easier one.
Progressive mealtimes are giving an opportunity for children to choose when they want to eat within a certain timeframe instead of eating at a set time. The following article provides information on the Benefits of Progressive Mealtimes, Drawbacks, Strategies and…
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