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Child portfolios are a form of pedagogical documentation that includes learning samples like artwork, writings, educator observations, individual and group learning stories and photographs - a visual aid of children's learning and development. The following article provides information on the…
Confidence is crucial for setting and achieving goals in all stages and areas of life. However, confidence is not something that one child is born with more than others; rather confidence grows as a result of positive experiences and adult…
At its simplest, numeracy is the knowledge, disposition and confidence to use mathematics in day-to-day life. While it is easy to think of mathematics only as complex statistical and algebraic concepts, the fact is children are already using basic mathematics…
Project-based learning is an educational approach in which students acquire knowledge and skills by working for an extended time on a project or task. The following article provides information on What Is Project Based Learning, the Key Elements of Project…
Learning styles, according to Howard Gardner, are the ways in which an individual approaches a range of tasks. The following provides information on Gardner's learning styles.
Anxiety is one of the most common reasons why children don’t want to leave home and their families. If not addressed at the right time, it can worsen into a debilitating condition, seriously affecting learning too. The following article provides…
Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget theorized in the pre-operational stage between two and seven years, children start using objects or actions to give meanings other than literal ones like using a pasta strainer as a hat. This is symbolic play and…
Behaviour management can be challenging sometimes, with energetic toddlers and young children eager to explore their physical and social environment. The following article provides positive guidance strategies and is how Educators can implement them within the learning environment.
Listening skills not only create the foundations for literacy and numeracy learning but set the stage for a wide range of interpersonal and self-regulation skills. The following article provides strategies on ways of promoting listening skills in early childhood learning…
In an early childhood setting pedagogical documentation refers to the practice of collecting and displaying evidence of the different ways children think and learn over a specific period of time. The following article provides strategies for collecting pedagogical documentation for…
Sensory experiences enable children to use their senses to explore and manipulate objects. The following provides 2 ingredient recipes for a variety of sensory experiences.
When educators teach intentionally, they are deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful in their decisions and action. Intentionality can be used to create learning environments, plan learning interactions and also document children’s learning. The following article provides information on Intentional Environments, Intentional…
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