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The idea of learning notes offers an assessment method that is thorough and efficient in terms of time. In addition to allowing Educators to carry out a variety of assessments across the Approved Learning Frameworks, learning notes can be created…
Early childhood is a busy time – there are so many new objects to look at and touch, sensations to experience and activities to explore. Not surprisingly then, it is common for children to occasionally have trouble paying attention. However,…
The Early Years Learning Framework identifies that positive attitudes and competencies in literacy and numeracy are important aspectsof communication and are vital for children’s successful learning. The indicators have been developed to support teachers to extend and enrich every preschool…
Saying sorry is among the earliest lessons in interpersonal behaviour that children learn when growing. There are indeed many benefits of an apology but adults forget that almost always they depend on both sides genuine feeling the emotions rather than…
ANZAC Day is commemorated on 25th April and is one of the most important national commemorative occasions in Australia, marking the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand armed forces during World War One.…
ANZAC Day is commemorated on 25th April. Learning about ANZAC Day helps young children to understand the life and times of Australia and its people. Storybooks about Anzac Day that is specifically aimed at children may make it easier for…
The capacity to work on a task with sustained attention is an extremely important developmental milestone for children. It not only helps them to learn better in school but is directly related to positive life outcomes in adulthood through higher…
Routines and rituals are an integral aspect of growing up. They not only teach young children the skills needed to function in the adult world but impart a measure of control over their immediate environment. The following article provides strategies…
The Early Years Learning Framework recognizes the inextricable links that belonging, being and becoming have with learning. As part of this recognition, the framework elaborates learning outcomes, principles and practices for educators that will help them meet their professional goals…
Love Monster is a sweet book about love, friendship, frustration, loneliness and being different. The monster lives in Cutesville and feels out of place amongst all the cute animals. Everyone loves fluffy kittens, puppies and bunnies, but not funny-looking hairy…
Introducing children to science at a young age assists in their brain development. Science experiments can be performed on young children. Using materials in experiments that children like to play with helps them to grow big ideas and understand fundamental…
The National Law and the National Regulations illustrate the legal responsibilities of the approved provider, nominated super and Educators. The following article provides a reference point for Chapter 4 - Operational Requirements including a summary of each Regulation. This chapter …
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