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The 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning is a pedagogy framework that allows teachers to include Aboriginal perspectives by using Aboriginal learning techniques.
An Acknowledgment of the Country is a way of showing respect for the Traditional Owners and can be given by both non-Indigenous people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are connected to another place. Incorporating a daily Acknowledgement…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people cultures are valued and significant in Australia and it's essential for educators to help children understand the history, culture and lives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Walking Together, developed by the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association, is a free inclusion support and protocol resource for early childhood services.
The following free workbooks are designed to allow the best opportunities to learn the Wiradjuri language and culture through games and other learning activities. Wiradjuri is one of many Aboriginal languages on the East Coast of Australia.
Creation stories are mythological tales that describe a cultural or religious group’s beliefs about how the universe including its elements and beings was created. The following article provides information on What Are Creation Stories, the Importance Of The Rainbow Serpent…
When working as a Diploma Qualified Educator your pay rate is from the Children's Services Award 2010. This Award states your minimum rate of pay based on the completion of your Diploma Qualification. The following will provide information for Diploma…
As an Educator in Australia, your pay rate falls under the Children’s Services Award 2010. This award states the minimum amount that an employer can pay you based on your qualification and your position while working in an early learning…
Loose parts is a term used in early childhood learning to include such objects and materials that kids can move, control and change in numerous ways. Loose parts provided an opportunity for children to express creativity through the use of…
Raising awareness about Aboriginal culture is an important aspect of children’s learning and growing a bush tucker garden, children will show a growing appreciation for native edible Australian plants.
Circle times go beyond just sharing a book or singing songs. Children get the chance to acquire new ideas and concepts, participate in group learning experiences, communicate and work together during circle time. However, sometimes there are barriers to overcome…
Workplace Bullying is something that each of us may have experienced at some point of time in our industry. It makes you feel incompetent, it's depressing and you feel worthless. No one should ever make you feel negative, especially at…
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