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  • Category Portfolio Template
  • Css Class portfolio
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-snapshots-of-me-for-girls
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/222-snapshots-of-me-for-girls-samples?download=1737:snapshots-of-me-girl-sample
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework EYLF
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf

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  • Category Portfolio Template
  • Css Class portfolio
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-snapshots-of-me-for-boys
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/221-snapshots-of-me-for-boys-samples?download=1736:snapshots-of-me-boy-sample
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework EYLF
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf

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  • Category Portfolio Template
  • Css Class portfolio
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-happy-birthday
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/216-happy-birthday-samples?download=1707:happy-birthday-portfolio-sample
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC, OOSH
  • Framework General
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf

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  • Category Portfolio Template
  • Css Class portfolio
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-my-handprints
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/212-my-handprints-samples?download=1717:my-handprints-sample
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework General
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf

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  • Category Portfolio Template
  • Css Class portfolio
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-my-footprints
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/211-my-footprints-samples?download=1716:my-footprints-sample
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework General
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf

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  • Category Curriculum Plan Template
  • Css Class curriculum_plan
  • Download Link eylf-templates/free-templates/category/174-download-eylf-outcome-daily-program
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/209-eylf-outcome-daily-program-samples
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework EYLF
  • Type Free
  • Format pdf

Additional Info

  • Category Curriculum Plan Template
  • Css Class curriculum_plan
  • Download Link eylf-templates/free-templates/category/172-download-play-based-daily-program
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/207-play-based-daily-program-samples
  • Last Updated On Sunday, 28 December 2014
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework EYLF
  • Type Free
  • Format pdf

As your baby becomes a toddler there are certain situations that, as a parent, you need to deal with. One of these situations is feeding problems. All of a sudden your child will become picky about what they eat. One of the most typical habits that begin to emerge is one day, your toddler is enjoying a particular food and then the next day for no reason, they reject the same food. Don’t worry… it’s not your cooking… it is all a part of growing up.

Congratulations...your toddler is growing up! This is such a big milestone for your child to achieve. The toilet training phase is such an exciting part of you and your toddlers life. Tt can get messy at times during the beginning stages and there will be a fair share of “accidents”.  Once you have trained your toddler to use the toilet, it's a great relief! No more nappies to change and best of all you don't have to spend money buying them!

It's so exciting to notice your baby's very first tooth coming through. Most babies “grow” their first tooth at around 4 -6 months of age. Sometimes a tooth can appear without any warning signs at all and sometimes you may notice a small bulge on the gum or a red patch on the gum or cheek, followed in a couple of days by a tooth. However some babies can feel great discomfort during teething,they may be grizzly, wake in the night, dribble more than usual or cry during feeding.

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