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Changes To The Children's Services Award and The Educational Services Teachers Award

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Changes To The Children's Services Award and The Educational Services Teachers Award

As part of the Modern Award Review, the Fair Work Commission has varied a number of clauses in the modern awards, which includes changes to the Children's Services Award and the Educational Services Teachers Award.

The following clauses have been varied for the Children's Services Award:

  • consultation about major workplace change
  • consultation about changes to rosters or hours of work
  • dispute resolution
  • individual flexibility arrangements
  • termination of employment

The changes to the clauses affected in the Children's Services Award are detailed as follows:

Individual Flexibility Arrangements

7.1 Despite anything else in this award, an employer and an individual employee may agree to vary the application of the terms of this award relating to any of the following in order to meet the genuine needs of both the employee and the employer:

(a) arrangements for when work is performed;or
(b) overtime rates; or
(c) penalty rates; or
(d) allowances; or
(e) annual leave loading

7.2 An agreement must be one that is genuinely made by the employer and the individual employee without coercion or duress.

7.3 An agreement may only be made after the individual employee has commenced employment with the employer.

7.4 An employer who wishes to initiate the making of an agreement must:

(a) give the employee a written proposal; and
(b) if the employer is aware that the employee has, or reasonably should be aware that the employee may have, limited understanding of written English, take reasonable steps (including providing a translation in an appropriate language) to ensure that the employee understands the proposal.

7.5 An agreement must result in the employee being better off overall at the time the agreement is made than if the agreement had not been made.

7.6 An agreement must do all of the following:

(a) state the names of the employer and the employee; and
(b) identify the award term,or award terms,the application of which is to be varied;and
(c) set out how the application of the award term,or each award term,is varied;and
(d) set out how the agreement results in the employee being better off overall at the time the agreement is made than if the agreement had not been made;and
(e) state the date the agreement is to start.

7.7 An agreement must be:

(a) in writing;and
(b) signed by the employer and the employee and,if the employee is under 18 years of age,by the employee’s parent or guardian.

7.8 Except as provided in clause 7.7(b),an agreement must not require the approval or consent of a person other than the employer and the employee.

7.9 The employer must keep the agreement as a time and wages record and give a copy to the employee.

7.10 The employer and the employee must genuinely agree,without duress or coercion to any variation of an award provided for by an agreement.

7.11 An agreement may be terminated:

(a) at any time,by written agreement between the employer and the employee;or
(b) by the employer or employee giving 13 weeks’written notice to the other party (reduced to 4 weeks if the agreement was entered into before the first full pay period starting on or after 4 December 2013).
Note:If an employer and employee agree to an arrangement that purports to be an individual flexibility arrangement under this award term and the arrangement does not meet a requirement set out in s.144 then the employee or the employer may terminate the arrangement by giving written notice of not more than 28 days

7.12 An agreement terminated as mentioned in clause 7.11(b) ceases to have effect at the end of the period of notice required under that clause

7.13 The right to make an agreement under clause 7 is additional to,and does not affect,any other term of this award that provides for an agreement between an employer and an individual employee.

Consultation About Major Workplace Change

8.1 If an employer makes a definite decision to make major changes in production,program,organisation,structure or technology that are likely to have significant effects on employees,the employer must:

(a) give notice of the changes to all employees who may be affected by them and their representatives (if any);and
(b) discuss with affected employees and their representatives (if any):
(i) the introduction of the changes;and
(ii) their likely effect on employees;and
(iii) measures to avoid or reduce the adverse effects of the changes on employees;and
(c) commence discussions as soon as practicable after a definite decision has been made.

8.2 For the purposes of the discussion under clause 8.1(b),the employer must give in writing to the affected employees and their representatives (if any) all relevant information about the changes including:

(a) their nature;and
(b) their expected effect on employees;and
(c) any other matters likely to affect employees.

8.3 Clause 8.2 does not require an employer to disclose any confidential information if its disclosure would be contrary to the employer’s interests.

8.4 The employer must promptly consider any matters raised by the employees or their representatives about the changes in the course of the discussion under clause 8.1(b).

8.5 In clause 8 significant effects,on employees,includes any of the following:

(a) termination of employment;or
(b) major changes in the composition,operation or size of the employer’s workforce or in the skills required;or
(c) loss of,or reduction in,job or promotion opportunities;or
(d) loss of,or reduction in,job tenure;or
(e) alteration of hours of work;or
(f) the need for employees to be retrained or transferred to other work or locations;or
(g) job restructuring.

8.6 Where this award makes provision for alteration of any of the matters defined at clause 8.5,such alteration is taken not to have significant effect.

8A. Consultation about changes to rosters or hours of work

8A.1 Clause 8A applies if an employer proposes to change the regular roster or ordinary hours of work of an employee,other than an employee whose working hours are irregular,sporadic or unpredictable.

8A.2 The employer must consult with any employees affected by the proposed change and their representatives (if any).

8A.3 For the purpose of the consultation,the employer must:

(a) provide to the employees and representatives mentioned in clause 8A.2 information about the proposed change (for example,information about the nature of the change and when it is to begin);and
(b) invite the employees to give their views about the impact of the proposed change on them (including any impact on their family or caring responsibilities) and also invite their representative (if any) to give their views about that impact.

8A.4 The employer must consider any views given under clause 8A.3(b).

8A.5 Clause 8A is to be read in conjunction with any other provisions of this award concerning the scheduling of work or the giving of notice.

Dispute Resolution

9.1 Clause 9 sets out the procedures to be followed if a dispute arises about a matter under this award or in relation to the NES.

9.2 The parties to the dispute must first try to resolve the dispute at the workplace through discussion between the employee or employees concerned and the relevant supervisor.

9.3 If the dispute is not resolved through discussion as mentioned in clause 9.2,the parties to the dispute must then try to resolve it in a timely manner at the workplace through discussion between the employee or employees concerned and more senior levels of management,as appropriate.

9.4 If the dispute is unable to be resolved at the workplace and all appropriate steps have been taken under clauses 9.2 and 9.3,a party to the dispute may refer it to the Fair Work Commission.

9.5 The parties may agree on the process to be followed by the Fair Work Commission in dealing with the dispute,including mediation,conciliation and consent arbitration.

9.6 If the dispute remains unresolved,the Fair Work Commission may use any method of dispute resolution that it is permitted by the Act to use and that it considers appropriate for resolving the dispute.

9.7 A party to the dispute may appoint a person,organisation or association to support and/or represent them in any discussion or process under clause 9.

9.8 While procedures are being followed under clause 9 in relation to a dispute:

(a) work must continue in accordance with this award and the Act;and
(b) an employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with any direction given by the employer about performing work,whether at the same or another workplace, that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform.

9.9 Clause 9.8 is subject to any applicable work health and safety legislation.

Notice Of Termination By An Employee

(a) This clause applies to all employees except those identified in ss.123(1) and 123(3) of the Act.

(b) An employee must give the employer notice of termination in accordance with Table 1—Period of notice of at least the period specified according to the period of continuous service of the employee specified. 

Table 1—Period Of Notice

Not more than 1 year - 1 week
More than 1 year but not more than 3 years - 2 weeks
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years - 3 weeks
More than 5 years -  4 weeks

Note: The notice of termination required to be given by an employee is the same as that required of an employer except that the employee does not have to give additional notice based on the age of the employee.

11.2 Job search entitlement - Where an employer has given notice of termination to an employee,the employee must be allowed time off without loss of pay of up to one day for the purpose of seeking other employment.

11.3 The time off under clause 11.2 is to be taken at times that are convenient to the employee after consultation with the employer.

The following clause has been varied for the Educational Services Teachers Award:

Payment Of Salary

17.1 All monies payable will be paid:

(a) once each fortnight;
(b) once every four weeks at the end of the first fortnight including payment for two weeks in arrears and two weeks in advance; or
(c) once every month with the payment being made as nearly as possible on the middle of each month including one half month in arrears and one-half month in advance.

17.2 An employer may elect to pay wages and allowances by cash, cheque or direct transfer. Where monies are paid by direct transfer, the employee has the right to nominate the financial institution and the account.

The changes apply from the first full pay period on or after 1 November 2018.

Please make sure that you understand and are aware of these changes.

Changes To The Modern Award, Fair Work Ombudsman, 01 November 2018
Children's Services Award 2010, Fair Work Ombudsman, 01 November 2018
Educational Services Teachers Award, 2010, Fair Work Ombudsman, 01 November 2018

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