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Everyone is invited to celebrate Gai-mariagal Day on Saturday 28th, at Georges Heights. It is being hosted by Harbour Trust as a program of reconciliation week in Mosman which is the homeland of the Borogegal People. The program also helps…
From the 27th of May, 2022 to the 3rd of June, we celebrate Reconciliation Week, Connecting The Dots Through Culture has developed the Sea Of Hearts Challenge.
With the Labor Party winning the 2022 Federal Election, the early childhood and care (ECEC) sector in Australia looks poised for a shot in the arm, as much in terms of aid and restructuring as affordability for families. ECEC was…
Researchers in Melbourne have identified a novel medication that can put some children's peanut allergies to rest.
On 30th May, Play Australia will be conducting a free webinar for Educators on risky play. Educators will have the opportunity to see examples of risky play in action outdoors and how this is shared with families and reflected upon…
The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne stated that flu cases for children increased by 500 per cent in the last two weeks, from 16 in the entire month of March to 120 in the last two weeks alone.
Citipointe Childcare has been recently fined $18,000 for an incident that happened on 22nd April 2021 when a 21-month-old child went missing after a bushland excursion.
On Monday 23 May, join the Department Of Education. for a free webinar, to gain insight into the regulatory perspective on the reason we do assessment and rating, including a spotlight on self-assessment.
It has been reported that earlier this week, a two-year-old girl has been found to roam around alone outside her childcare centre in Melbourne’s west. The toddler managed to escape her centre allegedly through an unlocked door.
The scholarships provide financial assistance to scholars who intend to be or who are employed in NSW early childhood education services. Scholarships of up to $20,000 each will be offered to those commencing or completing a bachelor-level early childhood teaching…
The free webinar provides a range of offerings to support the understanding and embedding of trauma-responsive practices across early childhood services including recognise and responding supportively to signs of trauma in children, use of best-practice approaches to how children, families…
On Wednesday 25 May 2022 join ARACY for a webinar with guest speakers William Tilmouth and Jane Vadiveloo from the Children’s Ground to discuss their work in bringing Indigenous languages and practices to the forefront in their Early Childhood Care…
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