Getting depressed.

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Getting depressed.

Post by Misse84 » Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:49 pm

I am sorry for posting again,but I feel so depressed.

I have been at my center for almost two years now as a trainee. I just started my Diploma , and just want to leave.

My director is making work hell,she just uses us and we all feel like crap.

Will try and make a few points why::

She has lashed out at staff,almost being physical

She is supposed to give us trainees study time but refuses

All she wants us is to clean and complains about the way we do it

She often does not pay us on time, "forgetting" and we have not received payslips at all

( I did not get paid today either )

She gets all the toys from the op shops or streets,refusing to buy toys and gets angry if she has to replace things

The first aid kit is a mess,everything is from the dollar store or expired

She bitches about the families

She often lashes out on the children ( I have reported her to docs )

I would leave right away,but the traineeship people were not exactly great either. It took them four months to get my paperwork done,and they messed a lot up.So if I transfered I would have to deal with her for longer and it would be very hard.

I just don't want to go there anymore,I am getting stressed and the others hate it too. But none of them stand up to her.

Sorry for the rant,not getting paid today again just brought it up again. I have a week off this week and talking to her won't make a difference either.

Thank you

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Re: Getting depressed.

Post by Misse84 » Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:58 pm

So I have been told that she can't pay us now because the parents have not paid their fees. I have spent the evening crying because I just do not know what to do anymore.

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Re: Getting depressed.

Post by Lorina » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:34 am

Sounds like a nightmare!

If I was you I'd get out of there straight away! You've already put up with it for 2 years and I think that's more than enough to be treated like crap! If you stay there you are just going to resent going to work and end up hating this industry. 

You've only just started your diploma traineeship right, so don't even worrying about transferring just discontinue it and find another centre to do your traineeship at. 

You need to get out of there, sounds like a bad environment, unprofessional and unethical. You shouldn't be going home crying that's for sure! 

Please, please, please consider finding somewhere else to work before conditions get even worse! 


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Re: Getting depressed.

Post by cathiek » Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:07 pm

Bubuella, it sounds like the best thing you can do is get out, and quickly, but I know that is easier said than done.
I take it the other staff are in the same boat as you. Is there a wages/union/fair work tribunal you can contact about your wages at least. The parents not paying the centre is not your problem, your boss still has an obligation to pay you.
I really think you (and the other staff) need to take this to the next level.
It would be heartbreaking if somewhere like this stopped you from working in an industry that can be so rewarding & fun (when you find the right place).
Take a deep breath, have a coffee (or a wine depending on the time of day) and start making enquiries.
Any time you need to let of steam we are here for you
Cathiek :)

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Re: Getting depressed.

Post by dulciean » Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:07 am

Dear Bubella
I agree with the other posters here, and feel terrible for you. It is heart wrenching to go through such an experience. I worked for 1 week at a centre that was rife with similar issues,but I couldn't stand it. I feel so sorry for your situation. It is so important to take care of your health, I think this industry can really test you and the stresses can affect your mental health/ well being.having to stay in a job for financial reasons is the pits. Perhaps you could contact an Agency to explore other employment prospects, I joined one recently and although i haven't secured a position yet, am finding their support and encouragement invaluable,sending you hugs.

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Re: Getting depressed.

Post by Elias » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:20 pm

Hi Bubuella,
Did you signed any contract before working with such employer? I have some tips for you to cure depression. Talk with family and friends and discuss your problems with them. Start exercises and engage yourself in daily physical activities. Accept the things you cannot change and remember to laugh. Try not to worry and avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine.


Re: Getting depressed.

Post by Rainbow85 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:53 pm

Hi Bubuella,

I'm really sorry about how you're feeling and what you're going through but you are not alone. My depression that I had fought so hard to overcome and was leading a happy, fulfilling life has come back with a vengeance after starting work at my current centre. It is a family owned centre and is just bad organisation at it's best. As well as being on the floor with the kids we're also expected to run the place as there is never anyone permanent in the office running the admin side of things. Rosters are always messed up, given out at the end of the week with hours constantly changing so never being able to organise your own life, never leaving work on time etc etc. Our pay slips are sparse and there is rarely ever the right staff to child ratio. I've even been in my room on my own with a child with special needs (needing one on one care) on top of already having too many children to look after. I am also looking into my options at the moment. Take a deep breath and know that there will be other centres out there that are run much better and take care of their staff. You could start by joining an agency. I found a wonderful community centre through them before being at my current place of employment. Only bad thing about it was the travel time which is why I had to resign.

Take care :-)

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Re: Getting depressed.

Post by khushivis » Tue May 28, 2013 4:18 pm

yeah some time it happen.

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