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Teaching Children

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In early childhood, among the most important aspects of learning self-regulation is the ability to identify and label emotions. Unless children are able to understand and manage their emotions, they might end up expressing them through negative and disruptive behaviours.…
Pre-writing skills are the techniques that will make a child ready for writing. It is just like you have to walk first before you run likewise pre-writing skills will help children develop fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination which…
National Recycling Week is held on the 13th - 19th Of November. The following provides National Recycling Week Templates, Articles, FREE Printables and Activities that can also be included in the curriculum for children.
Recycling is an important concept that teaches children to care for the environment. It encourages children to be responsible and show a growing appreciating for Earth.
Diwali, India's biggest and most important holiday of the year, is on the 12th of November. The following provides Diwali Templates and FREE Printables that will help you celebrate Diwali at your service and can also be included in the…
On the 11th Of November is Remembrance Day. The following provides Remembrance Day Templates and FREE Printables that will help you commemorate Remembrance Day at your service and can also be included in the curriculum for children.
For children in the Preschool room, it's an exciting year ahead as they being their transition to big school. During the year, preschoolers will be involved in a variety of shared experiences that enables them to develop a variety of…
On the 31st of October, it is Halloween. The following provides Halloween Templates, free Printables and Activities that will help you celebrate Halloween at your service and can be implemented into the curriculum for children.
Sharing is challenging for children, especially toddlers. This happens frequently during the development process. The first step in teaching children to share is realising and accepting this. The following article provides information on the Benefits Of Learning To Share, Social…
One of the most important concepts we can introduce to children is road safety. Road safety awareness can help to reduce the risk of serious injury among young children by assisting them to develop skills, knowledge and behaviour about the…
Teaching children about sustainability enables them to appreciate and respect the natural environment. Early childhood services can provide meaningful hand on learning experiences in order for children to become environmentally responsible.
Children develop their fine motor skills when they use their smaller muscles in the hands, fingers, and wrists.
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