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Children's Acknowledgment of Country

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Children's Acknowledgment of Country Australian Human Rights Commission
An Acknowledgment of the Country is a way of showing respect for the Traditional Owners and can be given by both non-Indigenous people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are connected to another place. Incorporating a daily Acknowledgement of the Country is important because it encourages children to engage with diversity and respect. The following article provides information on What To Include In An Acknowledgement Of the Country, Children's Acknowledgement of the Country, Examples and more. 

What to Include In an Acknowledgement of Country

  • You must specify and describe the Country you are on (e.g. ‘pay respects to Elders who have cared for the mountains, rivers, sea and sky where our school is located on ______ Country.’) –
  • Always name the Mob in the Acknowledgement. If the land is contested (eg. Brisbane) always name both or all Mobs.
  • Use traditional names (instead of English names – where possible) for significant areas important to you and your local Aboriginal community.
  • Pay respects to Elders (past and present).

Children's Acknowledgement of Country 

To simply explain it to children: Acknowledgement of Country is like if you’re a guest at the birthday: you would say thank you for having me.

It is important for children to have an understanding of Country and the land on which their early learning service is located. Encourage children to think about what it means to acknowledge Country. Guide children through a simple discussion around questions such as:

  • What is the name of the language group of this area?
  • Do you know far this Country extends to?
  • What some of our neighbouring language groups?
  • What are some special places on this Country?
  • Have you always lived on the same Country?

Work together to incorporate each child’s input into a short, simple but significant personalised group Acknowledgement of country that the children could learn to deliver together on a regular basis.

Examples Of Children's Acknowledgement Of Country 

The following are examples of Acknowledgement Of Country. This could help guide you on what to include in your Acknowledgement Of Country by the children.
  • Here is the land, here is the sky.
    Here are my friends and here am I.
    We thank the ______ people for the land on which we play and learn.
    Hands up, hands down
    We're on _______ ground.
  • Here is the Land
    Here is the Sky
    Here are my friends
    and here am I
    We play today
    On traditional Land
    Our First Nation people
    we walk hand in hand
    We’d like to say thank you
    for letting us share
    the Land that you love
    we promise to take care.
  • Our Acknowledgement of Country…
    We at Bumblebee, would like to say thank you.
    To the original custodians of this land.
    Thank you to The Widjabul people
    of the Bunjalung Nation for letting us share your land.
    We promise to look after it, the animals and the people too.
    Hello Land (All touch the land)
    Hello sky (All reach for the sky)
    Hello me (Hug self)
    Hello friends (open arms out wide)

Videos Of Children's Acknowledgment Of Country

Involving children to say the Acknowledgment Of Country daily will enhance the knowledge of all children and to show respect to the cultural identity of the Aboriginal community in which they are situated.
Acknowledgment Of Country, Childcare Bumble Bee
Acknowledgment Of Country, Katherine Isolated Children's Services 


Created On July 10, 2024 Last modified on Sunday, July 14, 2024
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