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Teaching Children

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Playdough is such a versatile material. It provides numerous benefits to children as they manipulate it, it is safe and soothing and provides children with a satisfying sensory experience.
Friendships, bring pleasure, comfort, and important opportunities to learn and develop in a social world. Friends, help children feel good about themselves, help the child adapt more easily to early childhood environments and help the child build self-confidence.
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), has developed a set of free resources that enables young children to understand science.
Pretend play is very important for children's development and learning. In the house corner, children can take on and try out roles from familiar family scenes, the local community's experiences and imaginative fantasies.
Outdoor play is enjoyable for children and important for their growth and development.
Blocks are open-ended play materials; there is no right or wrong way to build with them.
When children apply paint to paper, glue things together, or pound a lump of clay, they experiment with colour, shape design and texture.
ABC Kids has a range of free content for Early Childhood Educators to use with children which aligns with early childhood pedagogy and the national approved learning frameworks.
With the catastrophic bushfires happening in and around Australia it’s only natural that children will begin to ask questions about what they are seeing and hearing. Some children may also feel scared and anxious. As Educators, we can reassure children,…
Learning Styles is simply how a child can learn successfully. The ability of how a child concentrates and stores or remembers new information is their learning style.
It is essential that all children growing up in Australia have access to opportunities to become proficient speakers of English.
Open ended materials enables children to play freely. They are objects that have no rules to follow, use or function. Raw materials that can be used to build or to create or to combine to make something new.
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