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Babies will spend most of their time watching the world around them, taking in information, getting directly involved and often combining both touch and sight which is often referred to as fine motor development.

Toddlers have a greater understanding of the world around them by this stage. Their cognitive development (also known as intellectual development and thinking skills) continues to increase during this period. The ability to learn new skills, understanding of concepts, begins to make sense of current events, solve problems and use of memory steadily improves. Toddlers will begin to interpret the meanings of their experiences and they also have a vivid imagination.

School age children are able to concentrate for a longer period of time in set tasks, enabling them to think, understand and find reasons to simple problems. They have a greater understanding of a variety of concepts and memory also improves dramatically. A school age child will also start to have their own thought process and curiosity begins to emerge. They begin to discover answers to some difficult questions such as “where do we come from” and “how we were born”? Overall at this point, a school age child absorbs information with ease and will attain a wide range of knowledge, when being exposed to it.

Your preschooler is now able to focus their attention more accurately and is less influenced by distractions. The intensity of questions increase as your child develops a strong curiosity for the world around them. By this stage, your child will have increased memory skills which counts for a big part of their learning. Your preschooler will also be able to retain two or three pieces of information while acting on them.

A baby’s cognitive development at this stage is very rapid and many changes take place over this time. They’re learning new things each day and spend their time observing others to learn how to act. Babies become more curious as they begin to discover their surroundings and begin to engage in a wide variety of experiences.

This science experiment shows how skin is waterproof.

Help child to identify items belonging to each family member.

Use a squeaky toy to encourage baby to turn to where the sound came from.

Increase a child's memory and concentration through this simple game.

Learn how to filter water with this science experiment.

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