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Use string to make a maze indoors where children have to weave their way from start to finish.

Here are 4 fun and simple games that can be played indoors using balloons. 

At a Fair Work Commision hearing, set in Sydney today, ECT's will be demanding equal pay with primary school teachers, with an overall increase in salaries. It will be a pay rise of $32.000 if ECT's win.

Learning Styles is simply how a child can learn successfully. The ability of how a child concentrates and stores or remembers new information is their learning style.

Using simple tape, you can create a variety of experiences that the children will enjoy on a rainy day.

Additional Info

  • Category Curriculum Plan Template
  • Css Class curriculum_plan
  • Download Link eylf-templates/premium-templates/download-weekly-learning-plan
  • Sample Link eylf-templates/templates-samples/category/502-weekly-learning-plan-samples?download=2246:weekly-learning-plan-sample
  • Last Updated On Monday, 23 July 2018
  • Version 1.1.0
  • Settings LDC, FDC
  • Framework EYLF
  • Type Premium
  • Format pdf, word

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Achu achu what do I do

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Yes, I need your help

I dont like to cough cough cough
I don't want to sneeze achu
I'm going to my doctor
He will help me

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Achu achu what do i do

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Yes, I need your help

Look at my throat ahh ahhh
Listen to my heart
With your medicine
I will be alright

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
achu achu what do I do

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
With your medicine
I will be alright

With your medicine
I will be alright

Hints and Tips:

  • Use actions
  • Can also be included when learning about community and people who help

Burcu Plt, "Cough Cough Song", YOUTUBE, 25th March 2016

Germs can cause a runny nose
Germs from coughs and colds and flues
Stop spreading germs at home and school
Wash your hands, that's what you do!

Wash, wash, wash your hands
Get them nice and clean
Wash them on top
Wash them below and fingers in between

Germs can cause a runny nose
Germs from coughs and colds and flues
Stop spreading germs at home and school
Wash your hands, that's what you should do!
Wash your hands, that's what you should do!
Wash your hands, that's what you should do!

Hints and Tips: 

  • Can be sung with children while they are washing their hands
  • Use actions

"Germs. Germs For Kids. Wash Your Hands",  The Kidboomers, 4th December 2015

There has been a product safety recall from Product Safety Australia for the ALDI Jack 'n' Jill Wooden Jungle Railway Set and Sabiha Designs — Teething Rattles and Dummy Chains.

With our friends at school and play,
We share and share alike each day
I'll share a toy, you'll share a snack
You'll share with me and I'll share right back
But there is one thing that you should not share...
(Now, what was that?)

Keep your sneeze to yourself
Don't share your germs with anyone else!
Get a tissue off the shelf
And keep your sneeze to yourself!
(Achoo! More tissues!)

With our friends at school and play
We share and share alike each day
I'll share a ball, you'll share a game
You'll share with me and I'll do the same
But there is one thing that you should not share...
(Come again?)

Keep your sneeze to yourself
Don't share your germs with anyone else!
Turn your head (Achoo!)
And cover your mouth
And keep your sneeze to yourself!

Every time after a sneeze,
Give your hands a scrub - use a little soap, please!
If you think you're about to sneeze
Get a tissue off the shelf...
Turn back, and then cover your mouth...

And keep your sneeze to yourself! (Gesundheit!)
Keep your sneeze to yourself! (That's better!)
Keep... your... sneeze... to your-SELF!

Hints and Tips: 

  • Use actions while singing this song. 
  • Teach children how to sneeze, without spreading their germs

"Barney:Keep Your Sneeze To Yourself", Lyrics Wikia

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