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Extension Of Recognition As An ‘Equivalent Early Childhood Teacher’

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Extension Of Recognition As An ‘Equivalent Early Childhood Teacher’ Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

From 1 January 2022, an Educator who holds a primary/ secondary teaching degree, teacher registration in Australia and approved cert 3/diploma will be recognised as an ECT until Jan 2023.

The ACECQA Board decided to extend and amend its transitional measure until the end of 2023 as follows.

From 1 January 2022, a person who holds ALL of the following will be recognised as equivalent to an early childhood teacher:

  • a primary or secondary teaching qualification
  • teacher registration in Australia (called ‘accreditation’ in New South Wales)
  • an ACECQA approved certificate III level (or higher) early childhood education and care qualification.

After the end of 2023, this transitional measure is scheduled to cease, however individuals who have obtained this combination of qualifications before the end of 2023 will continue to be recognised under this provision.

If You Are A Registered/Accredited Primary Or Secondary School Teacher:

Until 31 December 2021, if you are a registered primary school teacher and you successfully complete a diploma level (or higher) early childhood education and care qualification from ACECQA’s list of approved qualifications you will meet the qualification requirements for an early childhood teacher.

From 1 January 2022, if you are a registered primary or secondary school teacher and you successfully complete a certificate III level (or higher) early childhood education and care qualification from ACECQA's list of approved qualifications you will meet the qualification requirements for an early childhood teacher.

You will not need to apply to ACECQA once you achieve a qualification on the list of approved qualifications as, in combination with your primary or secondary teaching qualification and Australian teacher registration, you will automatically be considered to meet the qualification requirements for an equivalent early childhood teacher.

If you are a registered/accredited primary or secondary school teacher you may be able to be ‘taken to be an early childhood teacher’ upon starting your approved early childhood education and care qualification. Find more information about the 'actively working towards’ provision and Regulation 242.

Alternatively, if you are a registered primary or secondary school teacher you may be able to be recognised as a 'suitably qualified person'. Find more information about 'recognition as a suitably qualified person'.

Recognition As An ‘Equivalent Early Childhood Teacher’, ACECQA

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