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Rhymes and Songs

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I love youYou love meWe're a happy familyWith a great big hugAnd a kiss from me to youWon't you say you love me too I love youYou love meWe're best friends like friends should beWith a great big hugAnd a…
Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarink a doo,I love you.Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarink a doo,I love you. I love you in the morningAnd in the afternoon,I love you in the eveningAnd underneath the moon;Oh, Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarink a…
I love my mum,I love my dad,I love my friends,and the pets I have! I love my grandma,and my grandpa too!I love everyone, including YOU! Hints and Tips: - Use felts or puppets to act our each line. 
What happens if there is a fire?Do you know what to do? Oh!Get out! Quick, get out!Get out! Quick, get out!Get out! Quick, get out!Stay very low and go. Go! What happens if there is a fire?Do you know what…
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truckHurry, hurry, drive the fire truckHurry, hurry, drive the fire truckDing, ding, ding, ding, ding! Hurry, hurry, turn the cornerHurry, hurry, turn the cornerHurry, hurry, turn the cornerDing, ding, ding, ding, ding! Hurry, hurry, climb…
Ten little firefightersSleeping in their beds. "Ding" went the bell,And down the pole, they slid They raced to the fire,And put out all the flames. Then the 10 little firefightersWent to bed again. Hints and Tips: Do actions for each…
I'm a little firefighter on the go. Here is my helmet, Here is my hose. When I see a fire, Hear me shout: "Turn on the water and put it out" -Sung to the tune of I'm A Little Teapot".…
Stomp like elephants! Let's go to the zoo. And stomp like the elephants do.Let's go to the zoo.And stomp like the elephants do. [Stomp around the room like elephants] Jump like kangaroos. Let's go to the zoo.And jump like the…
I'm an elephantStrong and elegantStomping through the jungleMaking the ground rumble. I'm an elephantStrong and elegantStomping through the jungleMaking the ground rumble. In the forest, you can find meTrunk in front and tail behind meFootsteps echo just like thunderThose around…
Will you be a friend of mine, A friend of mine, a friend of mine? Will you be a friend of mine And hop around with me? Will you be a friend of mine, A friend of mine, a friend…
1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Friends4 Little, 5 Little, 6 Little Friends7 Little, 8 Little, 9 Little Friends10 Little Friends to play with me 10 Little, 9 Little, 8 Little Friends7 Little, 6 Little, 5 Little Friends4 Little, 3…
Eh oo ahPitjantjatjara PitjantjatjaraEh Oo AhPitjantjatjara PitjantjatjaraKutju, Kutjata, MunkurpaOne, Two, ThreeOne, Two, Three! Hints and Tips: Numbers - Kutju (koo-joo) One (1) - Kutjara ( koo-djah-rah) Two (2) - Munkurpa (man-koor-pah) Three (3) Anangu mainly speak Pitjantjatjara and Yunkunytjatjara. These…
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