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Rhymes and Songs

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Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias!Gday, Guten - Tag, KonichiwaCiao, Shalom, Do-Brey DienHello to all the children of the world! We live in different places all around the world We speak in many different ways! Though some things may be different We're…
How do people greet their friends everywhere they go?In English we all like to say "hi there" and "hello". What do we say in other places I would like to know?When we see brand new faces how do we say…
Tiny Tim The Turtle uses Australian Sign Language to "sing" this rhyme. This rhyme includes lyrics, a picture song board, key signs and a video of how to use Auslan sign to sing Tiny Tim The Turtle.
This simple pizza song is a great way for preschoolers to learn subtraction as they buy a pizza and run away.
This pizza song is a fun and easy song for children to sing. Children are also introduced to ordinal numbers in each verse.
This silly song is quite easy and interesting. Children can repeat the lines of the song and also follow learn to follow directions by following the dance moves. Children will develop their cognitive skills, gross motor skills and creativity. The…
This action song for toddlers and preschoolers sings about the process of making a pizza, ordering a pizza, dropping a pizza and making a mess!
Wash Your Face In Orange Juice, originally known as Mr Clicketty Cane is a silly and fun song for children to sing! It's a favourite amongst children as they repeat silly and humorous verses during the song.
This Australian song with actions, it's about a man who loves and is proud of his home, the country he lives in and the relaxed lifestyle of Australia. It also has a set of mime actions accompanying the chorus
This name chant enables children to sing their name high and sing their name low. This song is also great for transitions.
This is a classic song where children try to find out "who stole the cookie" by naming each of their friends in the circle. This is a great way to learn friends' names.
This name chant is an action song where a child is called upon to do an "exercise trick". The child called upon stands up and does a shakey, shakey, shakey dance. shakey shakey.
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