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Rhymes and Songs

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There is a way that we can live and peace is the wayP – E – A – C – E, P – E – A – C – E, P – E – A – C – EAnd peace…
I spy with my little eyeBlue and grey and green.Open, blinking, Wide and winking, The loveliest eyes I’ve ever seen. I see colours, colours everywhere!The colours of Australia, the beauty we all share.I see colours, colours everywhere!So let’s hold hands…
Two little wordsTwo little wordsTwo little wordsNot good bye It’s the end of the yearGraduation is hereOur two little wordsTo our Teachers, Moms, Dads, Grandparents and All Thank you, Thank you, Thank you everyoneThank you for all you’ve doneThank you,…
Silly sounds get sillierWhen you hear them once againAnd maybe you're hearing an echoOr maybe it's only a friend Me, oh, my(Me, oh, my)Doodledaddledoo(Doodledaddledoo) Ticka, tocka, tick, tock(Ticka, tocka, tick, tock)Coo, coo, coo(Coo, coo, coo) Me, oh, myDoodledaddledooTicka, tocka, tick,…
I Said A Boom Chicka Boom! (repeat) (Sway your hips back and forth to the beat.)I Said A Boom Chicka Boom! (repeat)I Said A Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom! (repeat)U-HUH (repeat) OH-YEAH (repeat) One more time (repeat) Baby…
I'm toast in the toaster (bend down low, place hands on knees and tap)I'm getting very hot (repeat above action)Tic, toc, tic, toc (move head left and to the right)Up I Pop! (jump up and stand up) Hints and Tips:…
Cough cough coughDoctor help me, pleaseAchu achu what do I do Cough cough coughDoctor help me, pleaseYes, I need your help I dont like to cough cough coughI don't want to sneeze achuI'm going to my doctorHe will help meCough…
Germs can cause a runny nose Germs from coughs and colds and fluesStop spreading germs at home and schoolWash your hands, that's what you do! Wash, wash, wash your handsGet them nice and cleanWash them on topWash them below and…
With our friends at school and play,We share and share alike each dayI'll share a toy, you'll share a snackYou'll share with me and I'll share right backBut there is one thing that you should not share...(Now, what was that?)…
Five little snowmen standing in a row. Each had a hat and a big red bow. Out came the sun and it shone all day. One little snowman melted away. Four little snowmen standing in a row. Each had a…
Snowflakes snowflakes all around,In the air and on the ground. Some are big and some are small,Roll them into a snowball. When the sun comes out to play,Watch as they all melt away! Hints and Tips Sung to the tune…
When my teeth start to chatter and my fingers freeze,That's how I know it's cold. When I shiver and shake from a little bitty breeze,That's how I know it's cold. When I see my breath like smoke in the air,It's…
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