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On Monday 8th February it is Chinese New Year. This marks the start of the new year, beginning on the second new moon after the winter solstice and ending on the full moon fifteen days later. It is marked by visits to family and friends, special meals, fireworks, and gift giving. Here are a couple simple crafts to do with…
Couple of days ago I received a complaint from a course provider stating that students in the class have been copying and pasting assignment answers from the Aussie Childcare Network support forum. It saddens me to hear that the information provided on the forum is being misused by some students. Copying answers from the forum itself is considered plagiarism and…
The Outdoor Plan template assists educators in LDC, FDC and OOSH settings, to plan experiences for children to engage in during outdoor play and supports educators to focus on experiences that supports the children's learning. "Outdoor environments support all aspects of children’s learning and invite conversations between children, early childhood educators... They promote opportunities for sustained shared thinking and collaborative…
This week we have some healthy and delicious recipes that are reminiscent to our Australian culture. These recipes are simple and quick and children will love these tasty foods for a snack, for dinner or even in their lunch box! Vegetable Pie - Here is a twist on the traditional Aussie Meat Pie Vegetable Rissoles - Full of vegetables and…
For educators looking for a job, you've seen a position that you’re interested in, you have a resume but it asks you to respond to the Key Selection Criteria When Applying For A Job. This outlines the qualities, knowledge and skills needed to complete the job and helps employers look for someone with a specific set of skills and experiences.…
'Australia Day' is a our latest new template for educators in LDC, FDC and OOSH settings to share how you celebrated Australia day within the service by using this template as a memento for each child's portfolio. Whether the children did an Australian craft or your service had an Aussie BBQ etc., these images can be added to this template…
To celebrate Australia Day on Tuesday 26th January, here are a few Australian craft activities that the children can do. These can be adapted to suit each particular age group and most of the materials should already be available. These are great for those last minute craft ideas: Aussie Koala - An easy way to create a simple Koala, our…
Whether you are doing a Cert 3 or a Diploma traineeship or thinking about doing a traineeship it’s a good idea to understand what wages you will be receiving and the conditions of your traineeship. The article Childcare Traineeship Wages and Conditions will provide you with details of the minimum wages you will be expected to receive as a trainee,…
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