CHCPRT001 q2&q9

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Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:14 am

CHCPRT001 q2&q9

Post by studybuddy » Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:49 am

Hello I am so glad to have found this forum! It's so helpful.
I've done a search to find what I'm stuck on and couldn't find any similar posts.

"As an early childhood educator, briefly outline how you are to report suspected abuse within a service or school in your state or territory?"

In my answer (I wont post my full answer incase that's against the rules) I stated how I would report it and who I would report it to, the "who" being my manager or supervisor. I have since received feedback saying my answer is incorrect and I need to state "who in service I would report to"

I'm a little stuck as I thought it was my manager or supervisor that I report this to and can't find anything stating otherwise in the learning material :sweating:

The other question I'm stuck on is
"List two (2) statutory policies that relate to your job role"

Any help is much appreciated, thank you :D

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:16 pm

Re: CHCPRT001 q9

Post by KylieMc » Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:31 pm

a little stuck not sure what this is

List two (2) statutory policies that relate to your job

Thanks kylie

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:11 pm

Re: CHCPRT001 q2&q9

Post by wilkinsonwilfrid » Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:34 pm

studybuddy wrote:
Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:49 am
Hello I am so glad to have found this forum! It's so helpful.
I've done a search to find what I'm stuck on and couldn't find any similar posts.

"As an early childhood educator, briefly outline how you are to report suspected abuse within a service or school in your state or territory?"

In my answer (I wont post my full answer incase that's against the rules) I stated how I would report it and who I would report it to, the "who" being my manager or supervisor. I have since received feedback saying my answer is incorrect and I need to state "who in service I would report to"

I'm a little stuck as I thought it was my manager or supervisor that I report this to and can't find anything stating otherwise in the learning material :sweating: ... signments/Monkey Martchcprt001-q2-q9-14883

The other question I'm stuck on is
"List two (2) statutory policies that relate to your job role"

Any help is much appreciated, thank you :D
Welcome to the forum! I can appreciate your frustration; correctly interpreting the requirements might be challenging.

In response to your initial query, it's probable that the feedback is seeking a particular position *within* your organization or service, *before* elevating the matter to your manager or supervisor. Perhaps a dedicated child protection representative? The precise reporting procedure will be outlined in the child safety policy unique to your place of employment.

Your state or territory will determine the answer to your second inquiry, but a good place to start would be to review the pertinent state or territory laws pertaining to child safety or education. This might include things like mandatory reporting laws, or specific regulations related to the care and safety of children.

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