CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
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CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
Question 8- Developing a plan of inclusion to support participation
You are required to develop and implement a plan for support and inclusion for at least one child, demonstrating individualised child centered planning and implementation.
Please note: This assessment task will require you to access the relevant templates/ forms/ documents from your workplace in addition to accessing the organisation policies and procedures.
Within your plan you will need to outline:
1. Collaboration process, sharing information with the child's family and other educators to develop and implement the plan
2. Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
3. Review process and suggestions for adaptations to service delivery
4. Identification and assessment process for children's additional needs
5. Process for obtaining additional resources or sources of information to assist in the development and adaption of the curriculum to support access and participation
You are required to develop and implement a plan for support and inclusion for at least one child, demonstrating individualised child centered planning and implementation.
Please note: This assessment task will require you to access the relevant templates/ forms/ documents from your workplace in addition to accessing the organisation policies and procedures.
Within your plan you will need to outline:
1. Collaboration process, sharing information with the child's family and other educators to develop and implement the plan
2. Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
3. Review process and suggestions for adaptations to service delivery
4. Identification and assessment process for children's additional needs
5. Process for obtaining additional resources or sources of information to assist in the development and adaption of the curriculum to support access and participation
Last edited by Lorina on Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHC50113- Supporting children's successful participation
I need help on the above questions and I unsure on where to start. Does this mean we share information to parents through commutation books,
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
See if this helps:
[attachment=1]Inclusion of Children w Additional Needs_Dec12.pdf[/attachment]
[attachment=1]Inclusion of Children w Additional Needs_Dec12.pdf[/attachment]

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Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
Question 2- Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
What I have so far
The plan will aim to outline the function and purpose of the child's behaviour so that challenging behaviours can be redirected while positive behaviours are reinforced and maintained. When both centre and home environments consistently ( everyday) adapt the following strategies, the reinforcing of positive behaviours will reach their full potential.
What I have so far
The plan will aim to outline the function and purpose of the child's behaviour so that challenging behaviours can be redirected while positive behaviours are reinforced and maintained. When both centre and home environments consistently ( everyday) adapt the following strategies, the reinforcing of positive behaviours will reach their full potential.
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
Question 8- Developing a plan of inclusion to support participation
You are required to develop and implement a plan for support and inclusion for at least one child, demonstrating individualised child centered planning and implementation.
Please note: This assessment task will require you to access the relevant templates/ forms/ documents from your workplace in addition to accessing the organisation policies and procedures.
Within your plan you will need to outline:
1. Collaboration process, sharing information with the child's family and other educators to develop and implement the plan
What I have so far
When the child is displaying unacceptable behaviour the qualified educator will observe, monitor and record the child's behaviour. The educator should work alongside with the family and gather as much information as possible as this may result on why the child is behaving in an unacceptable way. The qualified educator and centre director will privately consult with the family about the concerns and suggest to the family that we work together for a positive behavioural technique and develop a plan that is suitable for both home and early childhood education and care service environment. The qualified educator, centre director and the child's family should work collaboratively to develop a written behaviour management plan detailing specific strategies and a time frame that staff will put in practice as soon as possible. The educator and family should have regular meetings and discuss if the strategies are working or not and if the suggested strategies aren't working the qualified educator can get professional support to help with the child behaviour. All of the educators should have a copy of/ be aware of the behaviour managementnplan. The family and educator should a communication book in place, which the educator/ family is able to check each day so they can exchange information about the child as this is a good idea in case the educator is unable to see a child family due to the educator shift.
2. Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
Question 2- Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
What I have so far
The plan will aim to outline the function and purpose of the child's behaviour so that challenging behaviours can be redirected while positive behaviours are reinforced and maintained. When both centre and home environments consistently ( everyday) adapt the following strategies, the reinforcing of positive behaviours will reach their full potential.
3. Review process and suggestions for adaptations to service delivery
. The educator and family should have regular meetings to say what is working for the child and what isn’t. If something working really well at home, the family could suggest it to the child’s educators and they could do this at daycare. If something is working really well at daycare, the educators could tell the family and they could try reinforce and continue this strategy at home. Regular meetings should be held with the family and educator to review and update the Behaviour Management Plan
4. Identification and assessment process for children's additional needs
1. Note the behaviour problem the child has i.e. hurting another child when he wants to play with the toy/activity/ other child.
2. Discuss the problem with the parent - have parents noticed this when the child plays with other children at home or when visiting friends.
3. Establish what strategies (if any) the parents use at home - what have they tried that appears successful.
4. Ask their approval to use the strategy at GoodStart.
5. Ask a professional to assess the child during play activities and offer suggestions to support the child.
6. Further collaborative discussion with parents, professional and educator to suggest further strategies.
7. Importance of parents reinforcing appropriate behaviour at home.
5. Process for obtaining additional resources or sources of information to assist in the development and adaption of the curriculum to support access and participation
. The educator needs to see what is working and not working with the child as they can make changes to the behaviour management plan if needed.
. The child needs to be closely monitored to enable the educators to assess what they need to help/ support the child.
. Praise the child if they are doing something correctly
. If the child wants something, the educator should step in and help the child to ask for what they want: for example: If a child takes a shovel from a child playing in the sandpit. The educator could ask the child to return the shovel to the child. [and then] The educator should demonstrate the correct method then the child to ask, “Can I please have the shovel when you are finished?”
You are required to develop and implement a plan for support and inclusion for at least one child, demonstrating individualised child centered planning and implementation.
Please note: This assessment task will require you to access the relevant templates/ forms/ documents from your workplace in addition to accessing the organisation policies and procedures.
Within your plan you will need to outline:
1. Collaboration process, sharing information with the child's family and other educators to develop and implement the plan
What I have so far
When the child is displaying unacceptable behaviour the qualified educator will observe, monitor and record the child's behaviour. The educator should work alongside with the family and gather as much information as possible as this may result on why the child is behaving in an unacceptable way. The qualified educator and centre director will privately consult with the family about the concerns and suggest to the family that we work together for a positive behavioural technique and develop a plan that is suitable for both home and early childhood education and care service environment. The qualified educator, centre director and the child's family should work collaboratively to develop a written behaviour management plan detailing specific strategies and a time frame that staff will put in practice as soon as possible. The educator and family should have regular meetings and discuss if the strategies are working or not and if the suggested strategies aren't working the qualified educator can get professional support to help with the child behaviour. All of the educators should have a copy of/ be aware of the behaviour managementnplan. The family and educator should a communication book in place, which the educator/ family is able to check each day so they can exchange information about the child as this is a good idea in case the educator is unable to see a child family due to the educator shift.
2. Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
Question 2- Process to investigate and trial strategies to address the individual needs of the child and their family
What I have so far
The plan will aim to outline the function and purpose of the child's behaviour so that challenging behaviours can be redirected while positive behaviours are reinforced and maintained. When both centre and home environments consistently ( everyday) adapt the following strategies, the reinforcing of positive behaviours will reach their full potential.
3. Review process and suggestions for adaptations to service delivery
. The educator and family should have regular meetings to say what is working for the child and what isn’t. If something working really well at home, the family could suggest it to the child’s educators and they could do this at daycare. If something is working really well at daycare, the educators could tell the family and they could try reinforce and continue this strategy at home. Regular meetings should be held with the family and educator to review and update the Behaviour Management Plan
4. Identification and assessment process for children's additional needs
1. Note the behaviour problem the child has i.e. hurting another child when he wants to play with the toy/activity/ other child.
2. Discuss the problem with the parent - have parents noticed this when the child plays with other children at home or when visiting friends.
3. Establish what strategies (if any) the parents use at home - what have they tried that appears successful.
4. Ask their approval to use the strategy at GoodStart.
5. Ask a professional to assess the child during play activities and offer suggestions to support the child.
6. Further collaborative discussion with parents, professional and educator to suggest further strategies.
7. Importance of parents reinforcing appropriate behaviour at home.
5. Process for obtaining additional resources or sources of information to assist in the development and adaption of the curriculum to support access and participation
. The educator needs to see what is working and not working with the child as they can make changes to the behaviour management plan if needed.
. The child needs to be closely monitored to enable the educators to assess what they need to help/ support the child.
. Praise the child if they are doing something correctly
. If the child wants something, the educator should step in and help the child to ask for what they want: for example: If a child takes a shovel from a child playing in the sandpit. The educator could ask the child to return the shovel to the child. [and then] The educator should demonstrate the correct method then the child to ask, “Can I please have the shovel when you are finished?”
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
That is what I have so far could you please tell me if I am on track with the question or if I am not could you put suggestion for the question
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
I think you've answered this question well and you're on the right track with you're response! 

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Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
Okay thanks
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
hi could anyone help with this question regarding inclusion
Adjust your strategies to address barriers and respond to the daily needs of children with additional needs.
what does this mean and how do I answer this
Adjust your strategies to address barriers and respond to the daily needs of children with additional needs.
what does this mean and how do I answer this
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
This question is basically asking when a child with additional needs is at your service what may you need to adjust in order to support the child.
So for example a child could be partially blind and to go outside there are stairs to access the outdoor area. You could add reflectors on the stairs to make it easier for the child to see the stairs or provide a handrail for the child to hold or install a ramp.
Here is some more information: Inclusion Of Children With Additional Needs

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Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
hi could anyone help me with this one. if this question talking about like strategies. the child special needs is autism
vii. Ensure curriculum decisions promote and support all children to fully participate, regardless of background, age, gender or ability
vii. Ensure curriculum decisions promote and support all children to fully participate, regardless of background, age, gender or ability
Re: CHC50113- Developing A Plan OF Inclusion
See if the following helps:
Autism Spectrum Inclusion
Autism Inclusion For Children
Autism Spectrum Inclusion
Autism Inclusion For Children

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