Childcare wages

Discussions on Childcare Wages. Are you getting paid the right amount? Just started a new position and not sure of your wages? Ask here and you'll find your answers.
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Childcare wages

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:49 pm

Are wages in rural/remote areas more than cities?

Also I may have an opportunity to work with a woman who has 8 kids (4 her own 4 foster), basically helping her with the 4 foster kids & maybe helping her out with her youngest and a few with their HW etc once back from school.
She is probably going to register as a family daycare & pay me as a FT employee, but I am not sure what kind of money I should be asking for.
I was doing 38hr/wk in Brisbane and getting $2600 (approx)/mnth ... this job here would involve quite a bit as the children (foster ones) are developmentally really behind, so would mean a heck of a lot more planning on my part at home before going and since i live remote it means me travelling a lot more than I did in Brisbane to get to work too (its not crazy travel - approx 70km/day) but still
Dont want to ask some stupid amount but I am qualified & do expect a decent amount to make it worth my while & she wont be paying out of pocket since she will get CCB & money for the foster children etc
Anyway let me know what you think would be a reasonable amount to ask (before tax)!

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Re: Childcare wages

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:04 pm

Hi Fefe,
Are wages in rural/remote areas more than cities?

As far as I know when it comes to childcare wages it depends on the centre and what they are offering you. Some centers may offer you more and others may offer you less. It really depends on how much they are willing to pay you. Unfortunately there is no "set hourly wage" that we are all paid, each of us are paid differently according to qualification, experience, centre, area, etc...

Anyway let me know what you think would be a reasonable amount to ask (before tax)

Wow...8 children that's a handful... I do have a friend who is a part time nanny and she suggested that you shouldn't take less than $25/hr, with your qualification and experience etc... She also mentioned that it's a good idea to get a contract signed so you know that you do have full time work available over however long this lady is going to employ you for. My friend also mentioned that during negotiations with your pay you could always ask for a little higher $28/hr and work your way down to $25, rather then starting your negotiation at $25. So if you agree on $25 that should be a reasonable rate!

What do you think?


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Re: Childcare wages

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:30 pm

LA - well I have mentioned what I was earning in my previous job & on that hourly rate I would def expect more
I have said approx $30/hr based on a 38hr week selling myself up a bit :)
What she is doing is registering herself as a family daycare that way she can get CCB etc + whatever monies she gets for the foster kids and she will employ me to help.
Anyway no harm in starting high & working down
Don't worry I will get a contract made up and sign it FOR SURE! I always get everything in writing :)

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Re: Childcare wages

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:41 pm

The woman just messaged and said $30/hr is doable :) and she is wanting 40-45 hrs / week... just hope this wont affect my taxes too much
HATE taxes ... 2 used to living tax free life in the Middle East HAHA

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