accused of allegedly hitting/pushing a child

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accused of allegedly hitting/pushing a child

Post by jbaker » Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:57 am

Yesterday at a community event day at our preschool, the parent of a child confronted me with allegations of hitting/or pushing his child.
the alleged incident was well over a week ago but it took him this long to bring up the issue - I believe it was to intimidate me (which he did by saying that I would not have a job etc). My reply to him was that I don't hit children and if I did I would not be working at this preschool, this is where he began his intimidation. I responded by telling him to take it further to which he said his wife (who was just standing there with nothing to say to me at all) would be doing. I told him i would be letting my immediate supervisor know. Before the event finished, my supervisor discussed the matter with him and stated that they need to do a written statement for a more formal discussion etc. I just feel sick with this accusation now hanging over my head. If anyone has some advise please let me know.

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Re: accused of allegedly hitting/pushing a child

Post by Lorina » Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:45 pm

I'm sorry that you are going through this!

What happened that the parent is accusing you of this?

When this incident happened over a week ago, was it reported to the Supervisor?

Did other Educators see this incident to defend you?

Have you got any evidence to back you up?


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Re: accused of allegedly hitting/pushing a child

Post by jbaker » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:23 pm

Hi Lorina

The parent's accusations was a week after the fact, he fronted me first and to my knowledge there was nothing reported to my superior prior to this - for what I would think is a serious matter.
I have no recollection of laying hands on the child on this day, and as I still process this matter there was no complaint from the child (as we know - they will usually say something back to you). Because I don't have any specifics about the matter and when is was supposed to happened I really can't say if there was anyone to defend me. Although as educators we tend to mention to each other if things have happened through the day and nothing of this was said.

As for incident- all I know is that the child went home and said 'I hit/pushed him' so until the story is put into context I am at a loss. I intend to write down when children are touched or redirected with physical help from an educator - at least in my view.

Is there anyway that I can defend myself or as educators we have no rights but only the rights of the child?

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Re: accused of allegedly hitting/pushing a child

Post by Lorina » Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:52 pm

Since the allegation happened the previous week, I don't know why the Parent decided to "report you" a week later. You would probably have to wait until the meeting to find out what exactly the allegation is and why the child is saying that you hit them. I know it's extremely worrying and frustrating especially when you didn't do anything wrong and all you can do at this stage is maintain that you didn't lay a hand on the child. When the context of the allegation comes to light, try and remember exactly what happened and which educators were with you so they can support you.

Try not to have any hard feelings towards the child and continue to remain positive.


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