Support forum for feature requests and for troubleshooting issues when opening or downloading EYLF templates that are listed under the Templates section of this website
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by Lorina » Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:51 pm
KatG73 wrote:Hi Lorina,
I just want to drop-in and thank you for creating and releasing the wonderful new portfolio templates. The timing was perfect and it helped us a lot. At my centre, all of us use your templates and ever since we started using them, things have been a thousand times better. All our staffs have embraced it really well and everyone loves it. Honestly, it did cut down a lot of time we spend on these paperwork. Having a predesigned templates helps us since we know what needs to be completed and whats needed instead of sitting with a blank paper and trying to complete the portfolio. The parents too love these.
Thank you so much Lorina. 
Thanks KatG73! Knowing that my templates have helped out your centre puts a smile on my face!
Very glad I'm able to support you in a small way.
catchmeifucan wrote:Hi L.a, are you planning anything for next year? Just curious.. Thats all. 
Hi Nat,
Yes we are planning to release a new version next year. We have already started working on the next release of Online Tools that will be available early next year! Its going to be a major release for the New Year and we are very excited about it. I have a long list of changes and updates that I want to include in the next release. We are updating all our existing programming templates and will be making a few updated changes to these existing templates available in Online Tools at the moment. We are also releasing a few new templates as well which I am excited about. I'll be back in a few days to list all the changes and new templates that will be made available in the next release which should probably be around the 1st - 2nd week of the new year.
Hope you all are enjoying your break,
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by grandma » Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:17 pm
I am back on here after some time away and Im so impressed with the portfolio templates. Well done. I just have 1 question and I know I should remember but how do I expand the text box if I need more room in My Achievements of Learning. wold appreciate if someone could refresh for me. Once again these are the best LA and team
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by catchmeifucan » Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:44 pm
I dont think you can expand the boxes. Perhaps L.A can confirm it if I am wrong.

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by Lorina » Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:16 pm
grandma wrote:I am back on here after some time away and Im so impressed with the portfolio templates. Well done. I just have 1 question and I know I should remember but how do I expand the text box if I need more room in My Achievements of Learning. wold appreciate if someone could refresh for me. Once again these are the best LA and team
Hi Grandma,
The text box for the Achievement of Learning template is a fixed box and cannot be expanded further. The reason why I have designed the text boxes at the size is to keep this as a 2 page template. If I were to make the text boxes any bigger then the template will go to 3 or more pages...
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by Lorina » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:17 pm
Hi Everyone,
Online Tools 0.3.0 Coming Soon!
At the moment we are currently very busy working on the next version of Online Tools which will be released next week. In this version we are making a lot of new changes and improving our existing templates and we are also excited to be releasing new premium templates. Here is a brief overview on new updates coming up in the next version:
New templates that will be available include:
1) Daily Information Sheet - This template is to be used for each individual child, on a daily basis, to record important information for each parent to view. Such as sleep times, what the child ate, how much they ate, nappy changes, temperament, etc. This template has been designed with simplicity enabling parents to quickly and easily view important information about their child.
2) New Learning Story Template - Newly designed Learning Story template has been created with attractive colours and simple features.
3) New Child Obs Templates: 5 new Observation templates that are based on each of the EYLF learning outcomes will be created.
4) Reflections Of Our Week template: Keeping it separate from Reflections of Our Day template so its not hidden
Updates and Changes to Existing Templates:
We will be updating all of our existing (non-premium) templates and improving them and added a few elements to them. Some of these changes are:
1) Curriculum Reflection Questions - The reflection questions in the second page of Curriculum Plans have been revised and more questions will be added to this list. These can be filled out at the end of the week reflecting on your work practices that occurred within the room.
2) Group learning objective to be added to all curriculum plans.
3) Service Philosophy to be added to all curriculum plans.
4) Reflections of Our Day Questions - New reflection questions are added to the Daily Diary to support you in evaluating the day.
5) Learning Stories - Date will be added for extension ideas.
6) Child-Obs - Having an option to choose 'Group Ob; or 'Individual'
As you can see there will be quite a lot of updates and new features that we will come out in the next version of Online Tools release. We are excited to bring you these new features to start off the new year.
We will keep you posted on when we are closer to the release date.
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by grandma » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:59 am
thanks everyone. I understand and it was only on one occassion that I wrote too much. I love this template and the parents have commented (that doesnt happen too often!!) that they understand the outcomes a bit more when set out like this.
laura goodwin
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by laura goodwin » Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:43 pm
I Need help with learning outcomes
- a, identity a routine.
b.determine which stakeholders will be involved in the evaluation process
c . identify any written policies,procedures of legal requirements in relation to selected program area
d. describe how the evaluation would be undertaken
e. describe how the evidence gathered would be presented to stakeholders
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by Lorina » Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:41 am
Hi Everyone,
We are excited to release the next version of Online Tools 0.3.0 today! This is our first release for this year and we have created a few new templates that you can use along with some updates to our existing templates.
Here is a quick summary on features included in this version:
New Templates Released:
The following new templates are now available in our site:
1) Daily Information Sheet:
This template is to be used on a daily basis for each individual child to record important information about the child's day that parents should be aware of. This includes nappy changes/toileting, sleep times, foods child ate, etc. (This is a Premium template and its available for Long Daycare and Family Daycare Centres.)

2) New Learning Story Template:
We have created a new simplified version of Learning Story template. From the reviews I've received so far, I understand that many educators are trying to find an easier and efficient way to incorporate learning stories in a Child's Portfolio or to be used as part of an observation. I have also received a few requests on a portrait layout for Learning Story template. This new learning story template only provides the essentials needed when documenting using a learning story format. (This is a Premium template and its available for Long Daycare, Family Daycare Centres and OOSH Centres.)

3) 5 Child Observation Templates:
These new child's observation templates are categorized into each of the 5 EYLF learning Outcomes (or MTOP for OOSH format). When recording a child's observation based on a specific learning outcome these templates can be used. Sub outcomes of the main learning outcomes can be added into the evaluation and reflection section. These templates will enable educators to keep track of each specific learning outcome observed for individual children. (This is a Premium template and its available for Long Daycare, Family Daycare Centres and OOSH Centres.)

4) Reflections Of Our Week Template:
This is basically the same as the 'Reflections Of Our Day' template we have. In the previous version, the "Reflections Of Our Day" template had the ability to change to 'Reflections Of Our Week' format by using a drop-down menu. Although we had this feature, we received frequent emails with a request for a "Reflections Of Our Week" template. Since it seemed to have been hidden in the last version, we have separated this weekly template in this release so it is easily identifiable. (This is a Free template and its available for Long Daycare, Family Daycare Centres and OOSH Centres.)

Other Important changes done to our Existing Templates:
1) Curriculum Plan Templates: We have updated all curriculum plans for FDC, LDC and OOSH, both Daily and Weekly Formats. In these plans, we have updated and added to the Curriculum Reflections questions in the second page which enables educators to reflect and evaluate the overall curriculum plan and to make sure all the necessary components have been added onto the curriculum plan.
2) Reflections Of Our Day: Apart from separating this template to 'Reflections Of Our Day' and 'Reflections Of Our Week', we have also
included the Reflection Questions in the second page. This is newly added in the current version of templates only. The reflection questions are to be used to reflect and evaluate the day's experiences.
We hope you all enjoy these new templates and updated features to our existing templates. Remember to discard the old version and download the latest version of these templates from here.
We are consistently working hard to provide you with efficient and simple documentation you can use and we try out best to make sure that it is up to date with the EYLF and NQS standards. It's not an easy task and it does take considerate amount of time and effort in doing so. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our Donators who are supporting this project. Due to your support, we are able to spend more time in developing these tools for all of you. We are also currently spending several hours everyday in developing the web application for these tools. We are dedicating most of time working on this app and we want to release it to you as soon as we can. We will be back soon with more updates and insight on the web application project for EYLF and MTOP that we are developing at the moment.
Thanks again for all of your support and let me know your thoughts. Would love to hear from you.
Note: If the page looks distorted or not aligned properly when you visit the Online Tools pages today, its due to old cached files in your browser. Just refresh that page by clicking on the browser refresh button so the new updated files are downloaded.
linsaa fdc
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by linsaa fdc » Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:40 am
Fantastic once again. I sound like a broken record but thank you for all the time and effort you at aussiechildcarenetwork put into making our documentation enjoyable.

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by kristyl74 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:17 am
Happy Dance happening
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by Lorina » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:37 am
linsaa wrote:WOW,
Fantastic once again. I sound like a broken record but thank you for all the time and effort you at aussiechildcarenetwork put into making our documentation enjoyable.

Happy Dance happening
You're most welcome!
It absolutely my pleasure designing these templates to support and assist my fellow educators!
linsaa fdc
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by linsaa fdc » Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:57 am
Hi All,
A question about the new Reflections of our day and week for Family Day Care.
How do I make a comment on the questions that I might put yes but still want to write something down.
At the moment I can only do it on a couple, the others will only let me comment if I click No.
ie, no:5. As FDC Educators we are always [or should be always] interacting with each child, but there is always room for improvement and I can only comment if I put no.
Would it be possible to allow for a comment whether we choose yes or no?
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by Lorina » Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:29 am
Hey Linsaa,
No problem, we should be able to fix that up for you. Did you want a comment box to be visible for all of the questions then for both yes or no options?
linsaa fdc
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by linsaa fdc » Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:46 am
Hi L.A
That would be fantastic......Thank you
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by Lorina » Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:50 am
Hi Everyone,
Online Tools Version 0.3.1 is now released. This is a minor update with changes to a few templates along with a few bugfixes. Here is the list of changes done in this release:
1) [Update] 'Reflections Of Our Day' and 'Reflections Of Our Week' templates have been updated for all formats (LDC, FDC and OOSH). The textfields in the second page for reflections questions are now visible for all questions irrespective of choosing 'yes' or 'no'.
2) [Bugfix] FDC Child Obs Learning Outcome 5 Template has been updated. This template wasnt loading in some version of Adobe Readers and this is now fixed.
3) [Bugfix] LDC Reflections Of Our Day's completed sample is updated. The sample file wasnt loading properly in browser.
4) [Bugfix] LDC Reflections Of Our Week template was showing 404 error. This is now fixed.
5) [Bugfix] LDC Daily Curriculum Plan (Play Based Learning) format was showing Xml parsing error. This error is now fixed.
Remember to discard the old version and download the latest updated version from here.
Thanks to our users for your feedback and for reporting these errors so we were able to fix it.
--> Click here to go to Online Tools <--
linsaa fdc
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by linsaa fdc » Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:21 am
Thank you for the FDC alteration

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by catchmeifucan » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:23 pm
Love the new templates..esp the new learning story and daily info sheet! Simply awesome!
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by goretti6 » Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:33 pm
Hi LA ;
back to Oosh again end of January. Any new ideas in programming, child observation, reflective practice and quality improvement plan? ideas and suggestions are most welcomed. Have been away last 3 months hence out of touch with the latest. All suggestions and help/links will be most welcomed
Million thanks for all your efforts in making our work interesting and a learning experience.
Goretti 6
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by Lorina » Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:45 pm
I am currently re-working on simplifying and re-designing another type of curriculum plan which can be used in all settings. I also have some more ideas for observation templates... I'll keep you updated once I have worked out exactly what I'm going to do...
linsaa fdc
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by linsaa fdc » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:49 pm
The new end of year templates were fantastic and my coordination unit were very impressed with the EYLF Achievement Report.
I loved the "Thanks for the Memories" and I know there was a hiccup with the photo at first but
I was wondering if there is anyway of making the photo bigger, possibly in line with the writing below? Make use of the extra space and so we can see the children better.
It is so nice and I know it is really for the end of the year but I am also using it for the children when they leave my service so they have a beautiful memory of the children in their group for each day they were in care.....[different children each day].
If not that's ok.....just wondering.