CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

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CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Shazzalinco23 » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:21 pm

Hi all,
I am currently studying CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning and am really struggling with this book.
I have only answered a handful of questions throughout the book and need guidance with most of the rest of the book.
I even went to my training centre Saturday morning, but the teacher that arrived doesn't teach children services, didn't know who I was and couldn't help me at all :(
So I am turning to you all, you all seem to help more than people who are meant to help me.

Has anyone completed this book and is willing to clarify any questions I have in regards to what they actually want me to answer. (Deciphering what they are actually asking for in the question seems to be the hardest part, not knowing the answer)
Is it ok for me to post multiple questions in this one thread or do I need to create a new thread each time?

Thanks in advance

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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:55 pm

You can continue your post here and I can help you understand what the questions mean and what sort of information you need to provide...


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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Shazzalinco23 » Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:32 pm

1. Create a dialogue of a conversation you might have when consulting with families or others that demonstrates sensitivity.

I don't know how to create a dialogue as a dialogue is two sided and I obviously cant know what they are going to respond with.

2. Explain how you might use observations and information to assess and monitor a child's:
Play preferences, social interactions, communication and language, thinking styles, physical abilities and emotional status.

I think I may need to write how I use observations and information that I receive from families to assess and monitor all the dot points. E.g. By setting up two experiences, painting and trains and tracks, Joey showed us that he prefers painting over playing with the trains and tracks.

3. Explain how you might interpret information and observation to identify:
a) individual emerging skills

b) capabilities

c) potential

d) Interests and preferences of children

In this question, I don't know what information or observations I am meant to identify as they have not provided an example at all.

4. Explain how interpreting this information might be used to guide program strategies to foster development:
Is this just saying how interpreting this information is then applied to guide the development of programing foster development?

E.g. When we are shown by children their interests, we use this an apply it to our program. E.g. By joey showing us that he is interested in painting, we ensure that on days he attends the centre, we endeavour to have at least one painting experience.

Does that sound okay for the partial answers I have provided and for the questions I can't answer, HELP

Thanks in advance

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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Shazzalinco23 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:36 pm

Hi, just seeing if you have any responses for my questions?

Thanks :)

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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:11 pm

Create a dialogue of a conversation you might have when consulting with families or others that demonstrates sensitivity.

You can just provide a brief scenario (2 lines) and write a dialogue about what you would say to the family etc. Just make it up...
Explain how you might use observations and information to assess and monitor a child's:

Observing, Monitoring and Assessing
Explain how you might interpret information and observation to identify:

Observing Children
Observations In Childcare

I hope I have provided you with enough information to get you started,


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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Shazzalinco23 » Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:24 pm

For (Q1) Is this brief description okay? Educators have been observing Joey (aged 4) for two weeks during experiences. Whilst observing Joey, educators have seen Joey having some difficulties picking up a pencil and using it correctly with his preferred hand. Educators believe speaking with Joey’s parents about ways to help Joey to correctly use a pencil is the best way to help Joey.

For (Q2) I have read through that link provided many times, but I am not sure exactly on what the question is asking me. I don't know how to tell them how I might use observing and information to assess and monitor their play preferences etc. I think I may need to write how I use observations and information that I receive from families to assess and monitor all the dot points. E.g. By setting up two experiences, painting and trains and tracks, Joey showed us that he prefers painting over playing with the trains and tracks. Is this how I have to answer each dot point? Showing how I use observations that I conduct to assess the child’s play preferences etc.

For (Q3) I honestly have read through both the links you provided and still don’t know how to answer this question. I don’t know what information I am looking for to give me an idea how to answer the question. I think it is asking me how I interpret information and developmental steps in observations to identify each dot point? E.g. How do I use observations to identify individual emerging skills. Educators have been setting up an origami table daily, each day making the origami outcome harder. Alise has shown that each day, she is improving her folding skills. Every day the shapes she is folding become clearer and more defined. Alise is showing educators that she is improving her fine motor skills daily.

Is that an okay example for that ?


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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Lorina » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:03 pm

Shazzalinco23 wrote:QR_BBPOST For (Q1) Is this brief description okay? Educators have been observing Joey (aged 4) for two weeks during experiences. Whilst observing Joey, educators have seen Joey having some difficulties picking up a pencil and using it correctly with his preferred hand. Educators believe speaking with Joey’s parents about ways to help Joey to correctly use a pencil is the best way to help Joey.

This is fine..You just need to write how you will talk to the parents about it in a sensitive way. Like, if you were the educator talking to the parents about Joey what would you say?

Shazzalinco23 wrote:QR_BBPOST Explain how you might use observations and information to assess and monitor a child's

Just reading through this question again, could it be referring to the different types of observations methods such as anecdotal record, time sample, running record etc, jottings. For each point mentioned you could use a different type of observation method...

Observation Methods

Does this help?


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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Shazzalinco23 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:10 pm

Educators have been observing Joey (aged 4) for two weeks during experiences. Whilst observing Joey, educators have seen Joey having some difficulties picking up and using writing utensils and using them correctly with his preferred hand. Educators believe speaking with Joey’s parents about ways to help Joey to correctly use a pencil is the best way to help Joey.

Educators have planned a meeting, at time that suites both the family and the educators to discuss Joey’s development. The meeting has been planned at 10:00 am, so everyone is not tired and are attentive to the conversation.

E. Good morning Mr and Mrs Smith, how are you both today?

E. We have called you in for this meeting to discuss things educators have observed in Joey’s development.

E. When observing Joey during free play, through a range of different experiences, educators have seen Joey having some difficulties in picking writing utensils up and using them correctly with his preferred hand.

E. Just yesterday, we set up a crayon drawing experience. Joey showed us that he was interested in drawing, but got frustrated when he couldn’t place the crayon correctly in his hand and draw what he wanted.

E. We wanted to bring this to your attention and discuss ways we can work together to help Joey be able to use writing utensils correctly.

E. At home, does Joey show interest in drawing, using different writing utensils?

P. Yes, he does. Every day he asks can he do some drawing. When we provide him with a range of utensils such as pens, pencils and crayons, he always prefers to use the thinner pencils.

E. We then provided Joey with a thinner crayon and placed a finger grip on the pencil and we helped him get a strong understanding of how to use the grip correctly, he seemed to have fewer difficulties using the thinner crayon. Have you tried this method at home before? Do you guys do anything with Joey at home to help him with holding the writing utensils properly?

P. We hadn’t actually thought of trying a finger grip to help Joey hold the pencil in the correct way. We definitely would like to try this at home to assist Joey in continuing his writing development. We make sure that when Joey asks to draw, that we provide him with a range of sized utensils for him to choose and we encourage him to try them all before deciding what one he actually wants to use.

P. We are so thankful that we have had this discussion with you all and that we are all on the same page in assisting Joey with his writing utensil development.

E. If we see any other concerns or improvements, we will be sure to contact you again. Feel free to speak with us whenever you need. We encourage you to keep an eye on Joey's development at home and keep us in the loop about the things you see.

How does this sound?

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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Shazzalinco23 » Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:05 pm

I have two questions I need help with.

1.Create an example of an information sharing sheet you might use to make your time with parents more efficient and most informative

Could you explain to me what this is?

2. You are monitoring the oral and written communication of employees in the workplace to ensure confidentiality of clients. In your office, all written communication is held on computers and should be password protected. Your monitoring reveals that one employee, Phil, is freely sharing his password with other employees, that he never changes his password and that his password is his date of birth. What would you do?

Should I provide a copy of our Confidentiality/privacy policy, have a discussion about the importance of keeping this information confidential and the repercussions of breaking confidentiality.

Thanks in advance

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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Barnes.teagan » Sun May 20, 2018 3:13 pm

Hi, Iam currently stuck on the same book
Does anyone have any information that may help ?

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Re: CHCECE023- Analyse information to inform learning

Post by Zoe1996 » Sat Sep 24, 2022 2:40 pm

May I have some help with this question

Document the key features/benefits of each of the following reflection types when they are used to analyze information.

a) Individual reflection activities

b) Group reflection activities

c) Formal reflection activities

d) Informal reflection activities

e) Journals and diaries including written or visual.

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