Stablishing practices so children value the Centre

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Stablishing practices so children value the Centre

Post by gabrielepinha » Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:20 pm

Greetings, everyone ;)

I have recently started working in a Pre Prep room. I have observed children breaking, throwing and hiding many toys, resources and objects in the Centre, in general.
We have stablished conversations with them, trying to make them understand the importance of valuing their own things, thus if they do not care for them, soon we won't have anything left.
The conversations are effective only for a short period of time, and soon, they are all damaging everything once again.

I had an idea on trying to solve this problem, and I would like your opinion.

I thought on reassembling the entire room, and in this process, take all the toys away, making available, at first, only the activities and experiences they are to do. Then, I would stablish a system involving the own room's currency, and the idea is: they have to work together so they have enough 'money', and then, progressively, they are able to choose what they want to 'buy' as they save more and more.
Do you guys think this is a good strategy?

Thank you!

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Re: Stablishing practices so children value the Centre

Post by Lorina » Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:56 am

It is a good idea! You can set up a shop, maybe do a cardboard cutout shop stuck onto the storeroom door (or where you keep all the toys). Then you can create an "open" sign. To hang on the handle - so children can see that the shop is opened! Each day maybe select 2 options that the children can buy. Take a survey on what the majority wants and children should be given a time limit to earn money so they can add that to the room for the day. For example from opening to after morning tea - then children can play with it for the remainder of the day and it is kept in the room at all times.

You should also work out the tasks, etc that the children should do on a daily basis to earn money. Each child maybe should be given a set task to complete to earn. If they complete their task they can earn their money and put it in the piggy bank to buy the toy they chose with the others.

I always feel less is more, start off with the minimal, as you suggested, children can buy back toys to teach them responsibility, teamwork etc. I would really recommend notifying parents of this, so they are informed of what is happening. You can do a wall display of the children's efforts etc. It can turn out to be a great project.

Just thought I'd share some ideas at the top of my head...


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