1. How do you choose a FDC scheme?
Firstly you need to find a scheme which is recruiting and recruiting in your area
The best way to do this is via a government register:
Use the above instead of google, social media and websites like care for kids, echildcare etc
Secondly you need to find out whether you think you are a good fit for the scheme and vice versa
2. What are the major difference between how the schemes operate? Pros and cons?
No 2 schemes are the same!
There will be differences in their quality, professionalism, ethos, administration, fees, levies and more
This is why it is crucial to do your research and take your time to find the right one for you
The pros you can look for include:
A high NQS rating - ideally majority of quality areas at least meeting the National Quality Standard
Experience and reputation - a scheme which has been operating for a while and or has experienced/ enthusiastic staff behind it who have an excellent understanding of FDC, early childhood education, laws and respect for educators
Support, home visits and compliance
What the scheme offers you:
For example
they take time to get to know you
offer help with programming, administration etc
Have professional development at least once a year or make suggestions for you
Assist you in dealing with any problems that arise etc
The easiest way to determine this is if they conduct regular (at least once a month) unannounced home visits.
How often they visit you shows their approach to different areas including OH&S, programs and compliance.
Do not go somewhere that visits every few months, this is inadequate especially in the current climate
Choose a scheme which is compliant and takes measures to ensure they and their educators are compliant at all times
The scheme should keep you up to date on laws, regulations and standards
Low fee range A low fee range is usually indicative of a scheme which does not value their FDC educators who are ultimately independent contractors (under law)
No 2 FDC educators are the same! Their quality, professionalism, ethos, play spaces, experience, learning programs etc are different and as such you want to choose a scheme which not only allows but supports you in charging a fee depending on your circumstances and what you think your worth - ultimately no FDC educator will set a fee that is more than a parent is willing to pay for quality early childhood education.
A scheme which offers only one fee for example $7.00 per hour for every FDC educator is considered an outdated model for the reasons above.
High levies
High levies with little to no benefits is almost always pointless especially if you are charged a levy on top of a limiting fee range
No support, home visits and approach to compliance
Most importantly compliance, if they do not explain their policies and procedures to you, then ask. You will know from their response if they take the law seriously or if they don’t care if they end up on here:
https://www.education.gov.au/child-care ... n-register
3. is it acceptable for a FDC educator not to drive ?
Yes, a FDC educator does not have to drive that’s entirely a personal choice
Usually it will depend on what type of care you would like to provide for example:
- School/kinder pick and drop offs
Unless you would like to walk and the parents gives permission and the child is able to (you can use a pram etc) then you can’t look after a child who’s parent wants pick up/ drop off
- Your learning program
Again if you want to visit the local library, park, shopping centre or perhaps the city, zoo, aquarium etc if you cannot walk then you won’t be able to do these things
Of course public transport is an option as well as walking but again the parent needs to give permission, you need to be able to take the child/children and manage everything
All the parents and children who you are looking after must give permission to leave your house for whatever purpose.
Many FDC educators do not leave their house for a range of reasons, it certainly is not a negative in terms of care or anything like that.
I know that’s a lot to take in so apologies if it is too full on! Let me know if you have any questions