by Silbrown » Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:46 pm
hello Lorina I have doubts about this answer could you please check if I am the right track_
Examine your own workplace and its cultural safety strategies. Are they sufficient?
State which outcomes you are measuring cultural safety against, and suggest revisions to insufficient strategies.
In my family day care , I make sure children and families have an environment that is spiritually, socially and emotionally safe, as well as physically safe ; where there is no assault challenge or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need. I think the strategies are sufficient, but I am always working to try to improve and adapt myself to the needs of our community.
It is all about shared respect, shared meaning, shared knowledge and experience of learning together.
Cultural safety extends beyond cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity. It empowers individuals and enables them to contribute to the achievement of positive outcomes.
It encompasses a reflection on individual cultural identity and recognition of the impact of personal culture on professional practice.
To help to support this I conduct the following strategies.
I program carefully to give children a variety of resources and an extended cultural awareness, as for example, I choose a different country every week and we talk about where it s, what they eat, the animals they have etc, and we compere all with our country
QA2 Children´s health and safety
I create a veggie garden where the children whom have unhealthy options in their lunch boxes can learn how to grow they veggie and can eat healthier every day, as we cook what we pick up from our garden every day.this way we ensure that at least one of the main meals is substanciuos and healthy.Children are confident and involved learners
I send parents models of healthy lunch boxes every 2 weeks to give them new ideas and they can innovate in the choices they make for their children.
I use and produce Kefir for the afternoon snack of children, which increase the immune system and have a high nutritious value helping children to be healthier in a natural way.d
Physical environment
QA3Physical environment
I create a safe physical, environment, by following methodically the safety checks before and after the service, by risk assessments before a routine excursions or a extraordinary excursion. For example.and by the monthly assessment we follow up with Uniting Care supervisor.
I make sure the environment is clean and welcoming giving children surprises in the way I arrange the environment regularly.
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QA4 staffing arrangements
I always respect the ratios of children I am allow to have.
QA5 relationship with children.
I am very responsive to the need of my children, I love to Hugh them , reassure them and make them feel love and excepted. I encourage mutual trust with children and their families having an open and honest communication.
Every opinion is welcome, and we are open to lean something new from each other every day.Children are effective communicators
The holistic approach
Spiritual and emotional.
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
We have a strong connections to nature, with the care and connection to the environment incorporated throughout the curriculum.
Children learn to respect nature and to see it as a Unity with ourselves .they learn to recycle and different sustainable practices.Children are connected to with and contribute to their world
We use Mandalas to promote calm and inner peace.
I promote spiritual values such as compassion and peace. Rather than be overwhelmed by the many varied ideals of holistic education available.
QA6 Collaborative partnership with families and community
I promote a strong sense of community and engagement between children, parents and myself , another very important example is working with families. Engaging families by inviting them to visit, speak, bring in cultural or work artefacts to share and participate in children’s programs fosters enormous sense of pride and consecutiveness for children and feel strongly to care for one another.
For example, every mom and children bring to the service clothes and toy they don’t use any longer , aiming to allocate these items for other member of family day care and their close family who are in need, this give children parents and myself a sense of purpose and belonging .
Children have a strong sense of identity
We all share what we have,,, children bring what they harvest in our veggie garden home every time is possible, and parents bring to the service what they have like eggs, veggies, seeds, etc and make us all feel part of a very close social circle.
Finally another very important example is working with families. I love to Engage families by inviting them to visit, speak, bring in cultural or work artefacts to share and participate in children’s programs that fosters enormous sense of pride and consecutiveness for children and their families.Children have a strong sense of identity