CHCCHILD401A identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm PLEASE HELP

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CHCCHILD401A identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm PLEASE HELP

Post by mickey » Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:37 pm

i'm doing this case study and and trouble answering the questions can someone PLEASE HELP me as it will help me also answer the other case studys.
Jamelle is a 14 month old toddler. She attends the centre 3 days a week and recently her mother has been trying to get extra days at the centre for Jamelle even though she only works 2 days a week.
Jamelle is a very timid baby and does not interact with other infants during play time. It has been noted by staff that Jamelle has had several large bruises which Jamelle’s mother has explained as accidents that had occurred whilst Jamelle was attempting to walk by herself.
Jamelle often arrives at the centre wearing her night nappy, smelling strongly of stale urine, her skin appears dirty and unwashed. There is often no fresh change of clothing in Jamelle’s bag.
When Jamelle was brought into the child care centre this morning, she had bloodshot eyes and was very drowsy. Jamelle’s mother reported that Jamelle had not slept well that night and would probably need a lot of sleep today. About half an hour after her mother left, Jamelle began to vomit and experience seizures.
1. List the observations, that together indicate possible ‘risk of significant harm’
2. Outline how you would respond to this situation and in preparation to making a report.
3. Describe the actions/work practices you would take as a follow up from the report stage. In your response, discuss record keeping, parent queries regarding the notification and the needs of the child as they continuing attending the service.
4. In relation to Children and Families, what are your ethical responsibilities in this situation? (Access the Code of Ethics to support your answer).

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Re: CHCCHILD401A identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm PLEASE HELP

Post by Macoola » Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:21 pm

I have done this assignment but the scenarion was different but here is what I would write:

1. Observations would be: Timid, does not interact at an age apropriate level, bruises, unclean apperance, and obviously the seizure.

2. This is a bit diferent but is what I wrote for my scenario and will hopefully give you an idea of what to do:
It is very important to respond and support the child in a nurturing manner this is ultimately achieved by putting children’s needs first. Due to Amy’s young age direct communication on the matter would not be appropriate. In this particular situation it would be important for a certain carer to develop a strong relationship with Amy. The carer/s must be sensitive to Amy’s developmental delays and take time to engage Amy in developmentally appropriate ways; by praising her for her accomplishments, and encouraging her to challenge herself. It is also important to show an interest in Amy’s artwork and achievements, this includes observing Amy’s interests and planning activities and play experiences to further her interests.

3. •Organise a meeting with the Centre’s Director
•In a written report an orally disclose your observations to the Director regarding Amy
•Record all observations
•Discuss all aspects of the situation with the Director being sure to identify the difference between accounts you or other staff have seen compared to what you have heard from other sources (i.e. Parents).
•As a mandatory reporter I would go to the mandatory reporters guide and fill out a report.
•As for direct communication with Amy, due to her young age it isn’t appropriate to directly raise the issue with her. Although I would support her as stated in question 2 – Responding.

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Re: CHCCHILD401A identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm PLEASE HELP

Post by kat » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:11 am

hi this is my first time asking for help your site is great keep up the good work
Can someone please give me direction on how i answer question 4
thank you

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Re: CHCCHILD401A identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm PLEASE HELP

Post by catchmeifucan » Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:52 pm

this questions was asked before. Read this and see if it helps: ... f=35&t=571

You can also read this: ... f=26&t=251

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