EDEC344 - Suitable Resources for children, families and community

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EDEC344 - Suitable Resources for children, families and community

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:15 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: EDEC344 Children, Families & Communities
Your Assignment Type: Other
Currently Working in Childcare? Yes
Your knowledge: Professional

Your Question?
Assignment 2B requires you to contribute to a whole group Database of suitable resources for young children and their families in your work context and its community. You will need to explain why the identified resources would be appropriate for families in your work context and its community and others in their network.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Sorry struggling more because a lot of students have got in there and already put in things that I thought of.
To give you a better idea of what kind of thing they want I am copy/pasting a few students answers

Description and Message:
Resource and location: Sids and Kids Hunter Region

78 Stewart Avenue
Hamilton South NSW 2303

Phone: (02) 4969 3171
Fax: (02) 4969 3170
Email: hunterregion@sidsandkids.org

SIDS and Kids is a very important organization which helps support families that have lost a baby or child through pregnancy, birth, and childhood. This organization provides each member of the family with counseling and peer support services. The main thing that I like about SIDS and Kids is that they talk about supporting the whole family including the other siblings and grandparents because the death of a child affects the whole family unit. As stated by SIDS and Kids (1988) there mission is “Making a difference through education, research and providing grief support for those affected by the death of a child”. Even though SIDS and Kids is located in Newcastle they provide bereavement groups and support services in the Maitland, Muswellbrook and Port Stephens areas. They also provide a 24 hour crisis and bereavement support line.

As this organization is a network of information that is always trying to keep up to date about the latest issues and research needed to solve infant deaths. SIDS and Kids relies on the local community and businesses like my child care centre to make donations through RED NOSE DAY to support their ongoing education and counseling services.


Sids and Kids Hunter Region. Retrieved from



Resource and location: KidsMatter http://www.kidsmatter.edu.au

KidsMatter states that it is a site designed to help you understand more about children’s mental health and the types of things that families can do to support children to grow up being healthy, as well as the suggestions of where you can go if you need further help. KidsMatter provides families with a range of information sheets to help them support children’s mental health and wellbeing, and to recognise if and when professional help is needed.

KidsMatter is funded by the Australian Government and beyondblue, and is a partnership between education and health sectors. It was developed by mental health professionals and education and child care staff. KidsMatter describes itself as not a program, but a framework that helps primary schools and early childhood education and care services take care of all their mental health needs. It teaches you how to create positive school/early childhood community settings, helps you to teach children skills for good social/emotional development, how to work together with families and recognise how and when to get help for children with mental health problems.

The Site is very easy to follow and read and I especially like the different links it has for Primary Schools, Early Childhood Education and Care, Families and Communities. I found it to be very informative as well as very useful. Many parents and educators will benefit from this site as they will have many questions answered and relatable links. It is very broad and has helpful links and provides newsletters for you ongoing if you like.
More - Vanessa Bagnato, Tuesday, 30 October 2012, 6:29 AM

Resource and location: Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) http://www.autismspectrum.org.au

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) states itself as “The country’s largest not-for-profit autism spectrum service provider” Aspect builds confidence and capacity in people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), their families and communities by providing information, education and other services.
The site offers various services for early years, adolescents and adults as well as parents and families. It provides information sheets for you to learn and understand about autism and how to teach children with autism. It also provides information sheets to help you decide and choose therapy approaches, how to implement play sessions and how to understand sensory issues as well as much, much more. The information sheets are of a wonderful selection as well as very broad. This site is very bennificial to educators and parents as Autism is all around in the industry as as their are so many various types of Autsim.

The site allows you to donate or fundraising for the cause as well as attend events or volunteer. You can also attend workshops and seminars- most are free of charge, however there are a few workshops/seminars that you do need to pay for.

The site also allows you to subscribe to newsletters as well as purchase various resources and materials. I found it a very easy site to follow with tones of helpful and resourceful information.
More - Vanessa Bagnato, Tuesday, 30 October 2012, 7:13 AM


Resource and location: Learn 2 Communicate http://www.learn2communicate.com.au

Learn 2 communicate was created by Karen Trengove (speech pathologist) in 2012. The site states that the mission of learn 2 communicate is to ensure that all children, including those with communication difficulties receive the support they need in early childhood to enable them to make a successful transition to school and thrive as adults.

The site is very easy to follow and has a lot of useful links to search and further research. The site gives you resource kits which are various books and exercise activities for teachers and educators to use and to follow as a guide. There is also free tip sheets for educators and parents as well as useful links, posters and CD’s.

You can also subscribe to newsletters which provides regular information and updates on how to help children with their speech and communication skills as well as develop other skills and confidence. They also include information on various workshops which are all day workshops which include a speaker- these are additional costs though.

The site also offers for you to become a member. You can also follow them on twitter and like them on facebook to receive regular updates and details. Conversations, communication and speech is very important in early childhood and this site provides wonderful resources to help understand how to teach and understand learning difficulties. This is very resourceful for early childhood educators as well as families as it provides many different learning areas as well as activities and expeiences to enhance and develop speech and communication

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Re: EDEC344

Post by RoslynTolcher » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:43 pm

Try looking at Deaf Children Australia as this is becoming more of a issue in children.Hope this helps.

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Re: EDEC344

Post by Lorina » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:23 am

See if this gives you an idea...

1) http://www.australianfamily.com.au/fami ... es/support


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Re: EDEC344

Post by fchaudari76 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:17 am

thanks LA i ended up using deafchildrenaustralia.com.au and a site with resources dedicated to single mums and found a site for a place in VIctoria which supports mental health in children

issue was so many ppl got in there and added so many things already it was hard to find something that hadnt been done!

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Re: EDEC344

Post by Lorina » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:15 pm

Yeah I know what you mean... it's kind of first come first serve basis when you have to share information with others, without being told you are copying someone else's ideas...lol... glad you found something you could use!

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