National Lunchbox Week takes place from 9th February to 15th February. The following provides Articles, FREE Printables and Activities that can be included in the curriculum for children.
National Lunchbox Week is Nutrition Australia's initiative to inspire Australian families to create healthy and enjoyable lunchboxes.
National Lunchbox Week helps families prepare healthy lunchboxes by:
inspiring healthy lunchbox ideas and recipes
informing a healthy lunchbox balance across core food groups
awareness of lunchbox food hygiene and safety.
Build A Fruit Salad Cut And Paste
Build A Fruit Salad Cut and Paste enables children to cut out the pieces of fruit of their choice and create their own fruit salad. The Build A Fruit Salad Set helps children with their cutting skills as they cut out ingredients of their choice. This can also be laminated and pre-cut and used with playdough etc.
Fruit Bowl Matching
Fruit Bowl Matching enables children to match the correct fruit into the correct matching basket. Each basket has an image of a piece of fruit on it, using the fruit images, children cut out the fruit image and sorted it into the matching basket. This is a great game for children to sort and classify different pieces of fruit and learn to classify, sort and match them.
Fruit Cut And Glue Picture Match
Fruit Cut And Glue Picture Match enables children to cut out the colour fruit picture and glue them onto the corresponding picture. These can be pre-cut and laminated and childcare can use them to create a complete puzzle of each fruit.
Fruit Colouring Pages
These fruit colouring pages enable children to develop good pencil grip as they practice holding a pencil while colouring. Children also develop their hand-eye coordination and support children to concentrate and focus.
Fruit Inside and Out Flashcards
These flashcards include the inside and outside of fruits. This will help children identify the inside of a particular fruit and to match it with the correct outside of the same fruit. This will enable children to practice their visual skills and their ability to match corresponding fruits.
Fruit Matching Cut and Paste
This activity requires children to match halves of fruit together. By doing this activity children will develop their visual discrimination by choosing the correct half to match, hand-eye coordination, awareness of different fruits and cognitive development. These can also be cut and laminated for children to match.
Fruit Shadow Flashcards
These flashcards enable children to match each fruit with their shadow. Shadow matching enables children to develop visual discrimination skills and enables children to analyse the shapes of fruits to match to one another.
Vegetable Flashcards
Flashcards of vegetables, herbs and spices
The Magic Lunchbox - Free Storybook
The Magic Lunchbox tells a story about when Grandma comes to visit and gives Mango and Sprint a "magic lunchbox". This story is available to download for FREE for Educators to read during group time which supports young children to understand everyday healthy food choices.
Bush Tucker Gardens In Early Childhood Services
The following article provides information on What Bush Tucker, Benefits From Bush Tucker Gardens, Bush Tucker Plants and more.
Encouraging Parents To Pack Healthy Foods For Childcare
The following article provides information on Requirements For Healthy Eating and Nutrition in Childcare, Partnerships With Families, Practical Issues For Busy Families, Parents Sending Junk food From Home and more.
Growing Vegetables Indoors In Water
Easily grow 9 kinds of vegetables in water indoors using vegetable offcuts. Children will enjoy the anticipation, curiosity and interest while growing their vegetables. The following article lists vegetables that grow in water indoors.
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