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The term "under the roof ratios" refers to how educator-to-child ratios are calculated. Instead of calculating ratios for individual rooms, the ratios are calculated across the entire service. This means that educators must be working directly with children to be counted in the ratios. The following article provides information on Implementing Under The Roof Ratios, Examples Of Misuse Of Under The Ratio, How Are These Issues Being Addressed, Can Educators Work By Themselves In Under The Roof Ratio and more.

According to respondents to a 7.30 inquiry, a technique at early childhood services known as "under the roof"—which determines the ratio of Educators to children—is being misused.

Children need safe and positive environments to learn and grow. To ensure this, services and educators need to ensure effective supervision at all times. The following article provides information on the different aspects of supervision, ranging from regulatory requirements and principles to practice strategies.

The Educator To Child Ratio Posters includes the educator to child ratios in a centre-based service for each age group and in a mixed age group. Minimum educator-to-child ratios and purposeful for services to highlight the importance of the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and for Educators to effectively supervise children within the environment. These posters will be good to display within the service for Educators and families to view.

The Staff Ratios and Adequate Supervision information, for NSW early childhood services, has been revised and updated by the NSW Regulatory Authority, NSW Department Of Education.

In a mixed age group of children, an educator who is caring for one age range of children can also be counted against another age range of children, as long as the ratio for each age range is maintained and adequate supervision is maintained at all times.

For centre-based services, some centres calculate ratios across the whole service, not by individual rooms. The term used is "under the roof".

Minimum educator-to-child ratios and purposeful for services to highlight the importance of the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and for Educators to effectively supervise children within the environment.

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