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One of the biggest hazards we face as early childhood Educators is back injuries. The amount of times we bend, stretch, and lift throughout the day is endless and this can put a strain on your back, causing serious long-term injuries. The following article provides information on Back Risks, Prep Before The Day, Strategies To Support Back Care Throughout The Day and more. 

The NSW Government has issued an urgent warning as reports of hundreds of gastro outbreaks hit childcare centres across NSW. A rise in viral gastro cases saw 820 children and 165 staff fall ill in centres around NSW.

Support staff in NSW pre-schools and public schools are in for a major wage increase after securing a minimum 19 per cent pay rise over three years in negotiations with the NSW government.


For Filling:

  • 1 cup  baked beans in tomato sauce 
  • 3 tbsp finely chopped onion
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves 
  • 1/2 tsp pepper powder 
  • Oregano or dried mixed herbs seasoning (to taste)
  • Salt (as required)
  • 1 cup lettuce leaves 

For topping: 

  • 1/4 cup grated cheese  
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped tomatoes
  • Sour cream - (as required)


  • Preheat taco shells as per instructions on the pack.
  • Shred the lettuce leaves.
  • Chop tomato, onions, spring onions or coriander leaves finely.
  • Grate the cheese and keep it ready.
  • In a wide bowl, take 1 cup of baked beans, salt, pepper powder and finely chopped onions, coriander leaves or spring onions.
  • Mix everything well and check for taste. Add more spices or salt.
  • Take the hot taco and keep the shredded lettuce leaves.
  • Above that add 2 –3 tbsp of baked beans mixture.
  • Top it with sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • Add finely chopped onions, tomato & coriander leaves.
  • Finally, add grated cheese.
  • Garnish with coriander & chopped tomato pieces.

Hints and Tips:

  • Use other vegetables that children can fill their taco up with such as shredded carrot, shredded cucumber, capsicum, corn etc.
  • Encourage older children to shred and cut their own vegetables.
  • Place each vegetable in a bowl so children can create their own tacos.

Easy Vegetarian Tacos With Baked Beans, Chitra's Food Book

Australia Post has now introduced the Pen Pal Club. Connecting children and Educators around Australia with their very own pen pals.

The Department of Education’s online Early Years Health and Development portal now offers free, flexible professional development training for Educators in child health, development and well being. 


  • 1/2 cup of cooked pasta
  • 1/4 cup (40 grams) fresh peas
  • 1 carrot diced
  • 1/2 cucumber peeled and diced
  • 1/2 red bell pepper diced
  • 1/4 cup (40 grams) steamed corn kernels
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice optional
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Cook pasta in salted boiling water for 10 minutes, adding 1 tsp of olive oil to the water.
  • Mix the pasta with the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and serve at room temperature or cold.

Hints and Tips:

  • Get kitchen safe knives for children and encourage them to cut their own vegetables for the pasta. 
  • Have children choose the veggies they want for their pasta. 
  • Prepare the cooked pasta for children to mix with their vegetables.
  • Give children each their own bowl to create their own pasta salad. 
  • Select different vegetables for children to try. 

Kid-Friendly Pasta Salad, Little Sunny Kitchen

The Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 will replace the Education Act 1972 and the Children’s Services Act 1985.


  • 250g grated tasty cheese (approx 2 loose cups)

  • 2 cups of self-raising/rising flour (If you don't have S/R Flour, you can substitute with plain flour and baking powder. Add 2 tsp of baking powder to each cup of plain flour. Metric cup size 250ml)

  • 2 eggs (yogurt and buttermilk are good substitutes for eggs - use one-fourth cup (60 grams) of yogurt or buttermilk for each egg that needs to be replaced)

  • 1½ cups of milk

  • Small can of corn kernels (125g)

  • Half red capsicum

  • Large handful of baby spinach

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Fresh basil leaves to add to the mix and on top (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 180°C (356°F)


  • Sift flour into a large bowl.


  • Whisk eggs, chop capsicum, spinach (and optional basil).


  • Make a well in the flour, add in the rest of the ingredients and mix until combined.


  • Spoon into a greased muffin tray (pop a basil leaf on top of each, optional) and bake for 25 minutes or until the tops are golden brown.

Hints and Tips:

  • Mix and match the veggies used in the muffin to create your own favourites. Other veggies that work well are mushrooms, tomato (fresh or sundried), zucchini, broccoli, spring onions, etc.

  • Swap some of the tasty cheese with some crumbled feta cheese for an extra cheesy bite.
  • They will keep for up to a week in an airtight container in the fridge.

Cheese and Veg Muffins, Learn To Play At Home

This is a friendly reminder for Educators and ECT's to check your pay to ensure you are currently being paid the updated minimum wage, as of 01 July 2019, of a 3% increase.

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