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The good morning train is coming, How are you?Choo Choo The good morning train is coming, How are you?Choo Choo The good morning train is comingThe good morning train is comingThe good morning train is coming How are you?Choo Choo…
Lining up is easy to do (Lead) Lining up is easy to do! (group) When you take care of only you (x2) Feet together, hands on your side (x2) We’re not scared and we don’t cry (x2) Sound off (Lead)…
Walking walking. Walking walking.Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.Running running running. Running running running.Now let's stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.] Walking walking. Walking walking.Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.Running running…
5 6 7 8 Come to the carpet, use your walking feet Come to the carpet, moving to the beat Come to the carpet be careful not to shout And dont forget that when you sit To have a quiet…
Lamps are significant during Diwali as it signifies goodness. During the Diwali festival, lamps are burned throughout the day and into the night to ward off darkness and evil. Children can create their very own Diwali Paper Lamp they can…
A soothing and relaxing sensory experience for children to manipulate.
Create a simple pen holder for Dad, this Father's Day!
Using just 2 ingredients make a awesome geyser, a great experiment which all children will enjoy!
Use recycled paper to add a different texture to the children’s play dough.
Promotes the development of life skills in recycling and growing food.
Create a native collage using Australian animal figurines and natural materials.
Encourage children to learn to use their diaphragms and abdominal muscles to control exhalation.
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