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Harbour Bridge Craft

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Harbour Bridge Craft

Here is a simple craft of the Harbour Bridge which is an iconic landmark in Sydney and throughout Australia.

Materials Needed:

What to do:

  • Get a paper plate and fold it in half. 

  • Using one half of the paper plate, draw or paint a semicircle from one end to the other to create the curved bars on the bridge.  On the top half draw triangles and then horizontal lines  from top to bottom to create the iron bars on the bridge.

  • Turn the plastic cups upside down and create two slits one for each side of the paper plate, so the "harbour bridge" can rest inside. Decorate or paint each column.

  • Use glitter or coloured paper to decorate or collage.

  • Lastly, sticky tape the toothpick to the back of the paper plate and add the Australian flag and you have just created your very own harbour bridge

Hints and Tips:

  • Instead of drawing or painting the bridge features, pipe cleaners can be used.
  • Preschoolers can be encouraged to draw the features for e.g. the horizontal lines as it helps with prewriting skills.
  • Children can use a variety of different materials to decorate their harbour bridge.

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Additional Info

  • Appropriate Age: 2 year+
  • Number of Children: Individual (1), Couple (2), Few (3)
  • Developmental Milestones:

    holds a crayon with their thumb and fingers
    paints using a wrist action
    paint dots and lines
    established hand preference
    makes vertical, horizontal, circular strokes with pencil or crayon

  • Play Based Learning: Creative Play
  • Interest Areas: Art and Craft
  • Games Categories: Art and Craft, Fine Motor Skills
  • EYLF Outcomes: Learning Outcome 4, Learning Outcome 5
  • Sub Outcomes:

    4.3 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another.
    5.4 Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.

Created On January 22, 2016 Last modified on Sunday, January 12, 2020
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